Before throwing the girls into the sea, Gimeno left a farewell letter to his ex-partner


New information on the case of sisters Anna (1) and Olivia (6), kidnapped by their father Tomás Gimeno in Tenerife to exercise indirect violence against their ex-partner, Beatriz Zimmermann, caused a sensation in Spain. According to local media, on the day of the disappearance, the man left Olivia in German class at 5:00 p.m. and handed Zimmermann, the director of the center, a sealed case with tape and asked her to open it. at 5:00 p.m. pm 23 hours. The woman, however, opened it only 20 minutes after she left and discovered 6,200 euros inside and a farewell letter. Despite the fact that some media interpreted from this data that she was aware of Gimeno’s plans, justice revealed that there was no reference to the girls in the letter, so she stressed that Zimmermann did not could not guess that the commission of an illegal action.

This Wednesday, a new order from the titular magistrate of the Court of First Instance and Güímar’s instruction n ° 3 confirmed that in the letter given by Gimeno to his ex-spouse before disappearing, there was no reference to his daughters, Anna and Olivia, despite information published by various media which argued that the woman should suspect what could happen from this letter. The search device was activated a few hours after this meeting, when the mother of the girls alerted the Civil Guard that her ex-partner had not returned the minors.

Since then, a desperate search began which gave its first result on June 10, when the oceanographic vessel Ángeles Alvariño located two sports bags on the seabed, one broken and empty and the other with the body without Olivia’s life. Now the research work is focused on locating Anna and Tomás Gimeno, accused by the courts of allegedly killing their two daughters in their home in Igueste de Candelaria, then wrapping them in towels and garbage bags. , and finally to have them put in plastic bags. to launch them into the sea attached to a chain, rope and anchor.

The case could be one of the most perverse forms of gender-based violence: vicarious violence, whereby damage is done to the mother by the suffering of the children. Since 2013, there have been 39 such cases in Spain, including four in Tenerife. Except in one case, all of the crimes were committed by the biological parents.

The drama began when Gimeno went to pick up his daughters on April 27 and came home with the two. From there, around 7:30 p.m., he headed for the Tenerife marina. No one, not the guards or the security cameras, could detect if he entered with the girls. It was not possible to register until later, Gimeno embarked alone. From his car, he took suitcases and bags, and for this he had to make three trips between the vehicle and the boat.

He sailed twice. When he returned from his first outing, the Civil Guard intercepted him and fined him for having skipped the curfew that governs the coronavirus pandemic. He set out to sea after midnight and has never been seen again. The next day, the boat was found empty, without an anchor, off Puertito de Güímar, on the east coast of Tenerife. Later, a baby chair, the kind used for road trips, appeared in the water.

Finally, the ship’s robot Ángeles Alvariño found the body of the eldest sister, Olivia. According to the results of the autopsy, the girl’s death was a “violent death, with a forensic etiology compatible with homicide, the immediate cause being compatible with acute pulmonary edema”. In addition, investigators came to a dramatic conclusion: the girls’ father allegedly anesthetized them with sleeping pills before the tragedy. The Civil Guard has already confirmed that during the five searches that were carried out in his house, they found several blister packs empty of pills.

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