Beginning of clinical trials in Russia for the combination of Sputnik V vaccines with those of AstraZeneca


Russia licensed clinical trials that will combine the Sputnik V and AstraZeneca vaccines. Both laboratories have the two-dose inoculation regimen. The decision was taken by the Ministry of Health of the government of Vladimir Putin.

The information was confirmed by the international agency Reuters and shared this Monday afternoon by the official account of the Russian laboratory on Twitter.

The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF, according to its acronym in English) celebrated the decision of the Russian government in a post on the networks, in the afternoon of Monday.

The data is known on the same day the Argentine government announced that Moderna doses will be included in the study of combined regimens carried out by the country’s health ministry to provide the arrival delays second doses of the Russian vaccine.

This is a study to authorize heterologous vaccination schedules against the coronavirus, that is to say the possibility of use vaccines from different laboratories in the same vaccination.

So far, in Argentina, dose combinations of AstraZeneca, Chinese Sinopharm and Russian Sputnik-V, the latter is the one who presents longer delay for second applications.

Moderna’s vaccines arrived in Argentina on July 16, thanks to a donation from the US government. There are 3.5 million doses. They were received on this occasion by the Chief of Staff, Santiago Cafiero, and the Chargé d’affaires of the United States Embassy, ​​MaryKay Carlson.

Vaccines in Argentina

AstraZeneca is one of the vaccination flags raised by the government. The active substance in this vaccine is manufactured in the country

In fact, a flight with more than 800,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine is expected to arrive in the country on Monday. With this batch, Argentina will have received a total of 41,833,930 doses, of which just over 16 million arrived during this month.

With the arrival of the flight from the United States, Argentina will have a total of 16,127,200 doses received during July: 1,141,000 of component 1 of Sputnik V and 603,000 of component 2; 2,883,200 to AstraZeneca and Oxford; 3,500,000 from Moderna; and from China, 8,000,000 from the Sinopharm laboratory.

Since the start of the vaccination campaign in December 2020, nearly 42 million doses.

Sinopharm’s Chinese laboratory has delivered the most vaccines to the country: 14,000,000; Russia follows with Sputnik V with 11,868,830 (9,375,670 for component 1 and 2,493,160 for component 2); AstraZeneca Oxford, the active component of which is produced domestically, with 9,140,600 doses.

Moderna is in fourth place with the arrival of 3,500,000 doses. They add up to the table, 1,944,000 from AstraZeneca by the WHO COVAX mechanism and 580,000 from AstraZeneca-Covishield, produced in India.



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