believe there will be no greater equality with men after the pandemic


This Monday 8 marks the International Women’s Day whose motto is “Women leaders: For an equal future in the world of Covid-19”, established by the United Nations (UN). But according to a survey carried out by Ipsos in 28 countries around the world, the future prospects in Argentina not encouraging. The 49% of people who responded to the survey believe that “the equality of women compared to men will stay even after the pandemic resumption “.

According to the study carried out between January 22 and February 5 on 20,520 adults aged 18 to 74, in the world “reducing the pay gap between men and women risks stagnating, 2 in 5 people think it is important to reduce the pay gap, but it should not be a priority at the moment ”. And Argentina is no exception. The discussion on whether reducing the pay gap is a priority is Split. The women (44%) are more likely to say this should be a priority compared to 36% of men.

The 47% of respondents, of whom 54% of women prevail over 39% of men, say that it is necessary to resolve the pay gap between men and women because it answer to a real problem “. The obligation to resolve this issue has not only broad global support, but also regional support in countries like Chile (65%), Peru (56%), Brazil (53%) and Mexico (49%) ).

Regarding pay transparency, the 66% of Argentines believe that “people should have right to know how much other colleagues are paid do the same job. “The support to know this information is more important women (68%) than in men (65%).

According to the respondents, jobs considered to be predominantly held by women are too much the least paid. In professions associated with women such as caregivers (those who help the elderly or the disabled), childminders (workers in nurseries, children’s centers and nannies) and teachers, more than 60% he believes that you pay very little.

All of this, as opposed to jobs typically held by men, such as engineers, computer scientists, and programmers, who see themselves as expensive.

It should be noted that at the local level, neither politicians, police officers, nor scientists are professions that are predominantly associated with men, as is the case in other parts of the world. And as in most countries, the 91% of Argentines agree that “the politicians are paid too high a salary “.

As the world prioritizes “more flexible work practices, such as working from home and part-time work” to ensure that the pandemic recovery program addresses the issues facing women, by Argentina, more than half say it is urgent ”.improve access to education and training“.

Second, he calls for “greater support for women and girls victims of violence or abuse” and the need for “investment in job creation programs” since 40% of Argentines believe that unemployment is one of the main problems of the country.

Finally, the remaining 37% consider it necessary to improve access to health services.

Like other countries in the world, to emerge from the COVID-19 crisis, Argentina hopes that “the leaders put the country’s needs ahead of politics“as the most important factor. It also demands that the measures taken” take into account the impact on the economy. “In a monthly report on the economy produced by Ipsos, we see that the 93% of respondents consider that the the current economic situation is bad.

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