"Benedict is lucid, I feel strong with him," said Pope Francis – Telam


"Every time I go to see him, I feel like a grandfather, I take his hand and I make him speak.He speaks little and slowly but still speaks," said Joprge Bergoglio, stressing that "the problem of Benedict is his knees., Not his head, is lucidísimo, "reported the Italian agency ANSA.

With these words of great affection, Francisco made reference to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, whom he succeeded in 2013 after his resignation, the first of a pontiff since 1415.

"With him I feel strong, I feel the juice of the roots and that the tradition of the Church is not a museum, but a juice of growth", added Bergoglio, sweeping, with these few words , all the controversies concerning the document of the Pope emeritus on pedophilia.

According to some observers, this text of Benedict XVI was not quite in phase with the elections of Francisco.


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