Benedict XVI celebrates 92 years and intensifies controversy over criticism of Pope Francis – 15/04/2019


L & # 39; German Joseph Ratzinger celebrates this Tuesday 92 years and celebrates them with discretion in the small convent of the Vatican Gardens where he is accompanied by a group of nuns who take care of him and his secretary, Archbishop Georg Gänswein, head of the Pontifical House, a strategic position and a key name to remember in this story. Ratzinger occupies a unique and unprecedented place in the Church thanks to the phenomenon of his resignation as pontiff in February 2013, which led him to become a reigning Benedict XVI a pope emeritus, a position that did not exist in the bi-millennial history of the Church. For the first time in 600 years, two popes share the premises of San Pedro and, for nearly six years, their relationship with the Pope on the order, Argentina Francisco, harmony prevailed. When, in March 2013, he published the charge that had been invented for him, he swore that he would hide from the world in order to avoid any confusion.

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Last week he broke the promise and signed an essay on the church and badual abuse this turned the "wise grandfather", as he affectionately called Jorge Bergoglio, into a continuous-effect bomb that has already exploded a controversy in the Catholic world, which instead appeased grows up and starts to provoke serious counter-attacks. It is already a "constitutional" problem. Strong opinions are voiced on the need to regulate the functions of a pope emeritus so that it does not cause disasters but that, in the grave crisis that prevails today, the Church of 1,300 million baptized has the means of nourishing the smell of schism, a dangerous wave of conspiracy of ultraconservative and traditionalist ecclesiastical rights, eager to take advantage of Benedict XVI's attempt to stumble and fall the "heretic" Francisco.

Thursday 11 Corriere della Sera of Milan, The most important newspaper in Italy, as well as in several right-wing American Catholic publications that set their sights on the Argentine pope, was published the 18-page book published by Ratzinger, who develops a critical opinion on the strategy of Francisco to eliminate the scourge of clerical badual abuse. children and children who have caused the worst long-standing crisis in the Catholic Church. Ratzinger does not blame ecclesiastics and internal structures but to the revolution of customs, especially badual, 60s, which devastated the Church in the interior, shattering moral theology. The moralistic theologians of Germany immediately broke out, accusing Ratzinger of being "prisoner of his prejudices", with a long and courageous argument, accusing him of defamation. The Vatican does not talk about anything else and, in the high places close to the pope, it is better to lower the decibels to not feed the polemics.

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But the shadow of Joseph Ratzinger weighs more than ever in the management of coexistence with Francisco. For the first time in six years, the Vatican is near for both popes. The Vatican Insider's website of the La Stampa newspaper, the most influential journal on Vatican issues, publishes two notes by Domenico Agbado that must be examined with a magnifying glbad. Agbado succeeds Andrea Torniellli, promoted by Francisco as the editorial secretary of the Holy See's Secretariat for Communications, to upload the line to the internal media and to "influence" the press with his articles. Agbado writes that Ratzinger's notes may produce a fracture "in this unique situation": the coexistence of two successors of San Pedro "in Pedro's enclosure". "The Holy See now bears the brunt of this shared presence."

Vatican Insider This raises the question that all are asked. The "constitutional" question of the role of the pope emeritus. In a separate interview, Professor Mbadimo Faggioli, a Christian historian, theologian, and university professor in the United States, says that coexistence only works if emeritus remains invisible. Otherwise, as has happened, the situation "must be settled". The veiled suspicions and accusations converge on "the entourage" that surrounds Benedict XVI in his good retirement from the Vatican Gardens. It is especially remembered that his secretary, Archbishop Gänswein, had already sent shivers to the Catholic world. In 2016, he said that although Francisco is the pope, "there is de facto an expanded ministry, with an active member and a contemplative member".

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According to critics, this affirmation "extends" the pontificate of Ratzinger to the dangerous horizons of the papacy of a diarchy of pontiffs. Professor Faggioli claims that Gänswein is known for his conservatism. At the Vatican "there is an uncontrollable parallel court". The influential French Catholic newspaper "La Croix" sounds the alarm: Isabella de Gaulmyn says that "it is necessary to define the rules on the limits of the public interventions of the emeritus, because otherwise the risk is a schism ". Austen Ivereigh, who wrote a famous book on Pope Francis, believes that Ratzinger's publication "was schismatic, not for the sake of it, but for its effects."

Some speak of coup, music in the ears for the far-right plot, whose main engines are in the United States and the Vatican itself, to remove from the throne of San Pedro the "heretic" and the "southern populist" American "Jorge Bergoglio. The conservative archbishop of Philadelphia, Charles Chaput, the pope's great enemy, said the destabilizing test of Benedict XVI contains "moments of insight and genius that fall like a rain in the desert". A new conspiracy offensive is underway.



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