Bernie Sanders fights for the presidency of the United States: "We must advance the revolution"


WASHINGTON.-Four years ago he was an unsustainable candidate. Now, it's one of the favorites.

Bernie Sanders

, Vermont Socialist Senator, who led the center of the Democratic Party on the left with a progressive agenda and a youth-led campaign, will again be running for the presidency

in 2020

"The real change never happens from top to bottom, but from the bottom up," says Sanders, in a video posted on Twitter in which he announces his new candidacy for the Democratic nomination.

The release of Sanders revealed the remnants of the mystique surrounding his 2016 campaign, when he presented Hillary Clinton with a much greater challenge than one could have expected at that time. But unlike 2015, when Sanders launched his first presidential campaign at an impromptu press conference on the Capitol steps in front of a handful of journalists who had not been informed until shortly before, this strategy was based on sophisticated. the last detail. In addition to the video, Sanders gave interviews and his campaign sent an email to his followers asking them to "join the fight".

"We launched the political revolution in the 2016 campaign and the time has come to move it forward," said Sanders, a moment before the video aired, in one of the interviews, with a Vermont radio .

Sanders has set an ambitious goal: to bring "one million people" together to bring to life a movement that brings enough political power to Washington to strengthen its progressive agenda.

The senator spoke in Brooklyn about some of the measures taken in her previous campaign, which are now receiving increased support, including a universal public health program, a $ 15 minimum wage, free university education and more taxes. high for students. richer and a total offensive against climate change. In 2016, his critics called his agenda utopian and the Republicans accused him of being socialist, a rude word in the United States. President Donald Trump gave him the nickname "Loco Bernie".

But the truth is that Sanders, who four years ago was considered too extreme a candidate to reach the oval house's clean room, now joins the presidential race as one of the favorites for win the Democratic nomination. Start with one advantage: the infrastructure that he put in place during his last campaign and now has two years of extra work.

Four hours after he announced his candidacy, the Sanders campaign had already raised more than a million dollars.

With the announcement of Sanders, the only question that persists in the world
The Democratic trainee is whether former Vice President, Joe Biden, will be presented or not. The other personality who should announce at any time is the former mayor of New York, Mike Bloomberg. Sanders is second in the last average survey of the RealClearPolitics site behind Biden. This strong support in the polls – which may well disappear in a few months or even weeks – is a reflection of the rise of "socialist democrats", whose proposals are coming, especially among the country's youngest voters. .

Sanders is no longer alone. New members of Congress, such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, volunteer of her first presidential campaign, or Ilhan Omar
they brought vigor and youth to their progressive platform, and they gave visibility and dynamism to the most radical wing of the Democrats. Some of his ideas, such as a universal public health plan called "Medicare for All" (Medicare for All) have gained popularity.

The advance of the "socialist democrats" led Trump to launch more and more frontal attacks against socialism. In his speech to Congress in Congress, the president said the country was "alarmed" by the desire "to adopt socialism". The day before yesterday, in a speech on Venezuela in Miami, Trump redoubled his offensive: he mentioned 20 times the word "socialism", in what ended up becoming
in a manifesto against socialist doctrine rather than in a message against Nicolás Maduro's regime.

"Nearly 90% of Venezuelans now live in poverty, hyperinflation in Venezuela has exceeded one million percent by 2018. The severe shortage of food and medicine is hitting the country, socialism has so devastated this great country, that even the largest oil reserves in the world are no longer enough to keep the lights on, "said Trump. "It will never happen to us," he promised.

Trump said that socialism "promised prosperity but created poverty" and called on all nations in the hemisphere to work to prevent "the spread of socialist tyranny". Already at the end of his speech, he had left a sentence that seemed to be written for a campaign against Sanders: "And to those who are trying to impose socialism in the United States, we send again a very simple message: the United States will never be a socialist country. "


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