bet on Wall Street and revenge with the IMF


The former minister is close to what is happening in Olivos and shares some paddle matches with the president, with whom he continues to talk about the economy.

Luis Caputo reappeared this week. While he continues to periodically meet with President Mauricio Macri, the former Minister of Finance provides clear financial advice and does not neglect the judicial front, where allegations regarding his pbadage as state official have so far succeeded.

The former Central Bank president also participated in an event held in the lobby of the Alvear Hotel in Versailles, where he had been invited by financier Juan Napoli.

Those who speak with Caputo say today that he is still close to the Olivos residence and that he actually shares paddle games with the head of state with whom he continues to speak from the economy, reported the newspaper Perfil.

Moreover, they feel that he feels a certain revenge after the Monetary Fund gave him the right to give the Central Bank the right to intervene and stop the dollar.

That was his request last August when he had been expelled from the monetary agency before the arrival of Guido Sandleris and the second agreement reached for Casa Rosada.

At the same time, he says that he is far from returning to the private sector, even though financial advice is put forward in some "calls" daily, where he admits that the scenario "Alberto Presidente" is possible and rejects any Vidal plan: "Mauricio is headed," he says. the elections.

But he works little, he says: his environment emphasizes that he is devoted to his family "after 30 years of stress".

"You can not set foot on Wall Street because investors weigh heavily on the size of the debt investment made in January 2018 that left investors overexposed to Argentina," says a major representative. funds operating in the country that still remembers the "success" of the centenary bonus, which then dropped by almost 30%.

It was only in good times and with Macri in fashion in the Big Apple, Caputo was the face of the country "that was changing" and that everyone wanted to lend. "And he even convinced them of the one-hundred-year bond, then put the tax on the financial income and left later," murmurs another broker consulted by the aforementioned newspaper.

Another representative of this influential world believes that Caputo arrogantly sinned when he was finance secretary. Even with mistreatment, he condemned any objection to his strategy of indebtedness.

For now, it will undoubtedly remain in history as the face of the most striking feature of Cambiemos' economic policy: a debt of more than $ 187 billion in three years. Believe in the city, in justice, in the light of justice, in case the political wind changes from December.

In justice, the hand of his friend and lawyer, Matías Cúneo Libarona, is currently the subject of only two major investigations, although no one has yet been imputed.

On the one hand, the federal judge Julian Ercolini is investigating him for his appearance in the Paradise Papers, in a case where he waits for the information requested via an appeal to the SEC, the regulator of the US stock market , to check whether the Noctua fund, which he managed in the Cayman Islands, was acquiring a debt he himself issued. And on the other hand, the prosecutor Federico Delgado asked in December that he be summoned to investigate his fair behavior with the guarantee of the centenary, and is under the orbit of the federal judge Sebastián Casanello.

For the rest, the judge has already closed an investigation for alleged abusive treatment with his signature Axis, where he was operating before arriving at the civil service, as well as another investigation into the vulture funds payment that the Judge Ariel follows, Lijo is also on file, after the magistrate dismissed him and turned him into Ercolini 's orbit.

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