Beto O 'Rourke, Democratic Revelation in Texas, joins the race for the 2020 presidency | United States


Beto O'Rourke, in Plano, Texas, November 2018. In video, here is how he announced his candidacy.

Beto O 'Rourke, a 46-year-old politician who made a splash in last November's general election and erased the unthinkable: win a seat in the conservative Texas Republicans Senate. O & # 39; Rourke, ultimately, lost little, but his new campaign, his skill in social networking and his progressive speech made him a rock star. So much so that, despite the defeat, he now shows up at the White House.

O 'Rourke, a three-term Congressman in Washington and former mayor of the border town of El Paso, has defended before the legislatures a social democratic program in a conservative bastion like Texas. Attractive and magnetic with the audience, some badysts and admirers have compared it to Bobby Kennedy. He was a bbadist for a punk band, Foss, in the 90s, he studied at Columbia University and he owns a technology company.

With him, there are already 15 Democrats who have formalized their candidacy for the presidency of the United States. The leftist Bernie Sanders, already a candidate in 2016, is among the most supported candidates in the polls. Her unprecedented female role is alongside Senators Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris and Kirsten Gillibrand. Former Vice President Joe Biden, who is taken for granted, is doing everything possible to formalize his intentions, in which it is difficult to know if there is a sincere doubt or wait for a suitable date to make this announcement.

O & # 39; Rourke did it Thursday morning in a video on the couch of his house, in El Paso, accompanied by his wife. "I introduce myself to serve you as the new president, the challenges we face are the greatest because we have the memory, no one can face them alone, only this country can do it and only if we build a movement that we all include, "he said in the recording. . "We are going to create the biggest grbadroots campaign this country has ever seen," he added.

The democrat, who was already a pre-candidate, knows Spanish, is particularly attractive to Latino voters and has a distinctly progressive ideology – he pleaded in November for improvements in health coverage, salary increases for teachers, among others – but more centrist than Sanders or Warren. On Wednesday night, KTSM, an El Paso station, announced the news of his candidacy by citing an SMS from the former congressman. Vanity Fair also published a cover of the politician, with some fabulous photos of Annie Leibovitz taken in the middle of the road, with the title: "I want to be here, I was born to be there."

O & # 39; Rourke was Thursday, for the moment, in a cafeteria in Iowa, a key territory in the history of US elections, as it is the first state where parties organize their first election, from which the last candidate goes into battle. with the rival – in this case, republican – for the presidency of the United States. There, in a town called Keokuk, he celebrated his first campaign event. If it looks like the legislative, Americans should get used to seeing Beto in Facebook videos and driving his own car, a familiar gray Dodge, from city to city, at all kinds of events, multiple and tiny.

The Democratic primaries, with already 15 names in play, will define the strategy of a party that sees a unique opportunity to reclaim the White House, given the deep divisions created by a president as keen as Trump, but who n & # 39; 39 is not clear on the key to press: if the 2020 elections will be won by scratching the center's votes, with more centrist candidates, or if the solution is to drag left voters. The first polls do not offer clear clues: the two best-evaluated candidates are Biden and Sanders – the first moderate and the second declared socialist – largely because they are the most well-known .

Error of faith

In an earlier version of this news, it was wrongly said that O 'Rourke had been Mayor of El Paso (Texas). He had been a counselor.


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