“Better a fence than grenadiers like before”: AMLO defended the criticized wall of the National Palace for 8M


AMLO before the inauguration of the Red Queen pavilion

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, responded to those who criticized the installation of security fences around the National Palace, facing the feminist march for 8M which will take place on Monday.

“I would like to thank, the samples of solidarity from many Mexican women who trust us, because on the occasion of the new anniversary of Women’s Day, A smear campaign has been launched against the government and myself, the right is very obscured, bored, irritated and they become environmentalists or feminists, the goal is attack the government.

It bothered them a lot because we erected a fence to protect the National Palace, it is not out of fear of women, it is as a precaution, Because the conservative forces are very backward, very authoritarian, they infiltrate people to generate violence to damage, imagine allowing them to vandalize the National Palace? because that’s what they want a scandal, a great national and international note, because we put this fence to protect the palace, so to do this they accuse us of everything, I want to clarify that we do not ‘are never going to repress the people, we will never do it It’s going to repress the people, it is better to put a fence than to put in front, the women who will protest, the grenadiers, as before, we cannot face them, we must avoid that, that there is no violence, that no one is hurt, hurt “, said the Mexican president in a video released via his social networks.


López Obrador assured that in Mexico It can express itself and manifest itself freely, to the point of insults, but, he said, it also has the obligation to take care of the historical heritage of the country, in addition to not falling into the trap of violence.

“Of course, you can demonstrate peacefully, you can even insult authority, it’s allowed and there is free expression of ideas, they can demonstrate, express themselves freely in the street, But we have to take care of the historical heritage, the cultural heritage of Mexico and not fall into the trap of the violence of these provocateurs, because they are very authoritarian and I will say it, facistoids, the conservatives are Hitler, c ‘ is it is Franco, it is Pinochet, they think; what does this have to do with feminism, on the contrary, is it the opposite of the feminist movement?, he pointed out.

The Mexican president assured that he was in favor of women’s rights and equality; and he listed the outbuildings in which a woman is the first time owner.

(Photo: Screenshot)
(Photo: Screenshot)

“And also to be clear, I’m not a macho, I’m in favor of women’s rights, I’m in favor of equality, I’ve always been. When in the history of Mexico, a Secretary of the Interior had been in charge of this department, for the first time the Secretary of the Interior is a woman, for the first time in Public Security a woman, for the first time in history, half men in the Cabinet, half women.

On the morning of March 5, the landscape of the Plaza de la Constitución in Mexico City underwent significant changes. From rue de Moneda and Corregidora, a series of fences three meters high They were placed around the National Palace.

Jesús Ramírez Cuevas, general coordinator of social communication for the presidency, posted a message via his Twitter account.

(Photo: Twitter / @ brujasdelmar)
(Photo: Twitter / @ brujasdelmar)

“The pdte. @Lopezobrador_ gives guarantees to the demonstrations of 8M. The siege of the National Palace is to protect and not to repress; to take care of the heritage of all Mexicans and avoid confrontation. It is a wall of peace which guarantees freedom and protects against provocations “, he wrote on March 5.

The “wall of peace“Composed of metal fences more than three meters high, placed outside the National Palace, in Mexico, it was painted with the names of femicide victims.

On the night of March 6, the feminist collective Sea witches reported that some women used white paint to remember the names of some victims who died from gender-based violence in the country.

There is no way to silence the righteous demands of women, no matter how hard they try. Intervention of CDMX colleagues in the wall surrounding the national palace, listing the names of femicide victims in the country“They said.

(Photo: Twitter @ JesusRCuevas)
(Photo: Twitter @ JesusRCuevas)

López Obrador reiterated that he will always fight for equality, we will always be in favor of the right cases and there will be no repression during the demonstrations of 8M on Monday.

“I am a humanist, I am not against feminism, I am against corruption, manipulation, authoritarianism, I am against hypocrisy, it is the last straw. Monsivais rightly said that the real doctrine of the right is hypocrisy, and that is what we are seeing now.

There will be no repression, absolute freedom, but you also have to be careful not to let yourself be manipulated, women are very intelligent, very aware, for that I am very calm and grateful for their support for their support for their confidence, ”concluded the Mexican president.


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