Between sarcasm and claim: the reaction of the famous for the historic power outage


A large court, recorded Sunday afternoon at 7 am, affected all of Argentina, the cities of Uruguay and parts of southern Brazil. And in the middle of the blackout, several celebrities spoke on Twitter.

Faced with this situation, the Energy Secretariat explained that "a collapse of the Argentine interconnection system (SADI) was causing a mbadive power outage throughout the country, which was affecting also Uruguay ".

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"Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay without light … just at the beginning of the Copa America. In Europe, you do not understand anything, that's how things are organized to attract attention!"Was one of the messages of Malena Guinzburg who was very active in social networks regarding the power outage.

Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay without light … just at the start of the America's Cup. European, you do not understand anything, that's how things are organized to attract attention!

– Malena Guinzburg (@mguinzburg) June 16, 2019

"Just like in the summer we become friends with those who have a pool, today we will test those who have a generator"Ironically added Malena.

Just like in summer we become friends with those who have a pool, today we will try those who have a generator.

– Malena Guinzburg (@mguinzburg) June 16, 2019

"Now seriously … should we unplug everything in case the electricity suddenly comes back or we resign ourselves to burning objects? Is this a parcel of the device chains? Or directly, the light will never come back?"The comedian wondered later.

Now seriously … should we unplug everything in case the electricity suddenly comes back or we resign ourselves to burning objects? Is this a parcel of the device chains? Or directly, the light will never come back?

– Malena Guinzburg (@mguinzburg) June 16, 2019

"Raise your hand who has already, at least twice, touched the switch in the bathroom, even if you know you're not"Pleasant girl driver and comedian in memory.

Raise your hand who has already, at least twice, touched the switch in the bathroom, even if you know you're not

– Malena Guinzburg (@mguinzburg) June 16, 2019

"Looking where the hell I put the normal kettle, the one used with the fueguito, not the electrical control that does not help me at all", followed Malena.

Looking where the heck I put the normal kettle, the one used with fueguito, not the electrical control that does not help me at all.

– Malena Guinzburg (@mguinzburg) June 16, 2019

– Malena Guinzburg (@mguinzburg) June 16, 2019

Although the causes are not yet determined, "the recovery in the regions of Cuyo, NOA and Comahue has already begun and the rest of the system is opening up to continue the full recovery, which should take a few hours "said the president. official body.

The first hypotheses of the phenomenon that plunged the entire national territory in the dark indicate that the blackout has occurred due to an imbalance between the energy supplied and the demand. Normally, this can happen in the event of a failure of a main node of the system, as indicated in the press area of ​​Edersa, the energy company of Rio Negro, to the media of this province.

In addition to Malena Guinzburg, Narda Lepes, Diego Brancatelli, Nik, Mariano Peluffo, Cairo Hernan, Yanina Latorre, Gonzalo Heredia, Jdared María Listorti; among others, they expressed their feelings about the social network of the bird and shared a few words with their followers.

Watch celebrity tweets after the terrible power outage in Buenos Aires!

Find your grandma's radio, take out the batteries to control the TV and tune in @ Metro951 we accompany you until everything falls. Shared table. 12 to 14

– Narda Lepes (@NardaLepes) June 16, 2019

The cuts are frequent … 4 … 5 hours.
Today was a much bigger problem.
Now, they will never compensate you for what you have lost working during all these hours.
We pay between 14 and 18 thousand pesos a month.
Such a trade is unachievable.@EdenorClients

– Diego Brancatelli (@diegobranca) June 16, 2019

They were wrong lever, squash!

– Mariano Peluffo (@marianopeluffo) June 16, 2019

In addition to cutting the light, we are all awake on a Sunday at 7:45. #Without light #apagon #CorteDeLuz

– HERNAN CAIRE (@hernancaire) June 16, 2019

I know I'm not original …. but a whole country without light? I can not believe it

– Yanina Latorre (@yanilatorre) June 16, 2019

We are still very collapsed.

– Gonzalo Heredia. (@Gonzaloherediao) June 16, 2019

Happy Father's Day in the dark !!

– José Maria Listorti (@SoyListorti) June 16, 2019

Source: Teleshow


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