"Beware of the lollipop", the cumbia of rescuers who helped reduce accidents on the beaches – 02/02/2019


"You know how it feels to see 3,000 people sing a song you've played with your friends? That night, I do not forget it anymore. "

Mariano Márquez is always eager to remember exactly what happened a year ago. He had become a viral star and even Marcelo Tinelli talked about his "Cumbia Guardavidas" and his hit "Cuidado con el Chupón". They called them TV channels, newspapers and their song did not stop adding reproductions in different social networks. In Las Toninas, where he worked as a bañero, he was considered a celebrity and, for this reason, during this unforgettable evening, he was invited to play with his band during the city's annual annual festival. So he was at the top of the stage where, for years, he had seen the characters from below now watching the crowd in front, shaking and singing his summer theme.

Dangerous Sea This Saturday, Mariano (with his light shirt) at his place of work, in Las Toninas, with Richard Sierra, Tomas Ianiero, Maxi Diaz, Santiago Guevara and Choco Marquez. Fabián Gastiarena / Special Envoy

Dangerous Sea This Saturday, Mariano (with his light shirt) at his place of work, in Las Toninas, with Richard Sierra, Tomas Ianiero, Maxi Diaz, Santiago Guevara and Choco Marquez. Fabián Gastiarena / Special Envoy

They spent 12 months of his peak of popularity and today, quieter, he notices a little joking and a little seriously that his song gave a result and that thanks to his hit The number of accidents occurring on the Argentine beaches has decreased considerably.

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up "src =" https://images.clarin.com/2018/11/11/PXs1aOhIj_290x140__1.jpg

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

"It's certainly not just because of the song, but this year there have been far fewer rescues along the coast," he said. Since the beginning of the year, there are only two tragedies: one in Punta Mogotes and another in Mar Azul. "Here in Las Toninas there was no accident. There were 46 rescues (from November 15 to February 1) without fatal casualties, against the 120 that we experienced during the same period in 2018. To give you an idea, in 2012, we had more than 30 rescues only at the carnival. People have become aware of the lollipop", stands proudly.

On the beaches of the entire Costa Party, agents also fell, according to Clarin Augusto Giachetti, head of civil defense, as in Mar del Plata during the first semester, although "more work has been done" in the last 15 days.

"It is true that the sea was quieter and that the weather was that there were fewer days at the beach. I think we need to report on the dangerousness of the sea. The subject has hit a lot"said Mariano.

And you continued to make songs and videos?

We created a titled "The Beach is not an Ashtray" and recorded "Summer Love" with the actor Sebastian Francini. In addition, we have two more ready to go: one with the Anima duet and the other with the show of Andy, who played for Maradona and several other players. With him, we created a theme about boys getting lost on the beach.

Will you devote to it now?

I like that but I do not have a great voice. We will continue to make songs with Cumbia Guardavidas and we will see what happens. We touch a lot of people, but we want more. Marcelo Tinelli recently downloaded the song of last year. We dream that you invite us to the program sometimes.

Why did they hit so much?

I do not know, I think this has drawn the attention of watching Guardavidas sing and dance. We do not know music and we have created a fun theme based on something we need to pay attention to.

Many celebrities joined to give you a hand with the broadcast …

Yes, there were others too. I will not tell you names but Many solidarity personalities have asked me for money or "something in return". And when I told them that I did not have a budget, that it was something to make people aware, they did not talk to me anymore. It comes out of my pocket and my heart. He goes to Europe to bill in euros, then come here and with some of that money to record a video. There is none else.

What are you doing there?

Every year I go to Ibiza, I work as a waiter during the European summer and then I come back here. Except the year I became a football player …

In the lower left, Mariano and his experience as a professional player in Spain.

In the lower left, Mariano and his experience as a professional player in Spain.


I played in Spain, in the San José team of Ibiza. They saw me in a match with friends and they hired me for the professional club team. This is the fourth division there. In 33 years, I started in 2017. We received a daily allowance and a contract. I played two games but in the third, I injured my knee. The same thing for me was a dream come true.

And then you came back to Argentina and became viral?

Yes, and it was amazing, because when I returned to Ibiza the following year to be a new server, many people heard the song Chupón. He came to Germany! One day I was walking around Ibiza and a lifeguard stopped me and he said, "Are not you the one who has the theme?"

Do you like the sea or cumbia better?

I would like to be able to combine everything and continue to be a lifeguard. In the water too I had very strong experiences.

Las Toninas: 2-2-19 The conscientizan bañeros play cumbia and learn how to take care of the beach
photo: Fabian Gastiarena / special correspondent - FTP CLARIN 2.jpg Z Gastiar Gastiarena

Las Toninas: 2-2-19 The conscientizan bañeros play cumbia and learn how to take care of the beach
photo: Fabian Gastiarena / special correspondent – FTP CLARIN 2.jpg Z Gastiar Gastiarena

Life or death?

Once yes. It was late, I was alone and I had to go and get four people who could not leave. I went in and got where there were three. I left the torpedo (float) at three and went to find the room that was more in the interior. And there, I saw the picture we call "dead".

What does it mean?

The victims always look at the coast at these times, and when you go to look for them, you look straight ahead. This guy looked at me, his head was almost level with the water and his mouth was barely more prominent. Suddenly, a wave covered her face, her hair fell on her face and masked her eyes. This is the image that infuriates us. He disappeared under the water and at once I reached out to catch a strand of hair, if I did not count …

What you need to tell in a song …

This is perhaps the next hit of the summer.

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