Biden announced his administration’s four priorities – US Elections 2020


Biden attended mass this Sunday and revealed his administration’s initial four priorities, while Trump returned to golf, reiterated press criticism and received advice from close relatives on accepting the election defeat.

This is how the first day went after Democrat Biden’s victory in Pennsylvania was reported on Saturday, which guaranteed him an absolute majority of voters and divided the Republican Party between those who recognized the result and those who support Trump in his scrutiny challenge.

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Biden started the day at St. Joseph Brandywine Catholic Church in Greenville on the outskirts of Pennsylvania’s largest city, Philadelphia, where he attended mass with his closest relatives and toured the nearby cemetery. , where his friends are buried. parents, his first wife and two of their children.

Journalists who covered the activity claimed that the president-elect briefly knelt in front of one of the graves, according to the Europa Press news agency.

Later the campaign Biden updated its website and published what will be the four initial priorities of the government of the president-elect and his vice-president, Kamala Harris: fight the coronavirus, economic recovery, racial equality and climate change.

Biden and Harris aim to ensure access to coronavirus testing for the entire population, address health worker protection concerns and disseminate factual information, as well as promote the creation of ‘well-paid’ jobs and aid financial to avoid layoffs, among other measures.

In addition, they pledged to remove “barriers to participation” in the race-based economy and expand “access to opportunities”, as well as “rebuild” infrastructure for sustainable growth, eliminate emissions in public transport and achieve production. clean carbon electricity.

Likewise, Biden posted on his Twitter account a one-minute, 28-second video titled “From the Heart: Thank You,” in which he included footage of the campaign’s actions and said, “Thank you for me. having supported, thank you for listening, thank you for believing, for joining us, for naming me ”.

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Meanwhile, Trump returned to his private Sterling Golf Club – he was there on Saturday when the deciding result was made public in Pennsylvania – where he was greeted down the aisle by Republican supporters and also Democrats. carrying banners with captions such as “Crushed Orange” and “Trumpty Dumpty Fell from the Wall”.

With less emphasis than until Saturday, the president returned, however, to question the review process and the results released.

“Britain’s top pollster wrote that this was clearly a stolen election, that it’s impossible to imagine Biden outperforming (former President Barack) Obama in some of these states,” Trump wrote on Twitter.

“Since when does the biased media say who will be our next president? We have all learned a lot in the past two weeks, ”he said in another similar post.

In addition to the President’s messages, Twitter included the following caption: “This claim about voter fraud is disputed.”


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