Biden asked Putin to reduce tensions in the UC …


The American President, Joe biden, he proposed to his peer Vladimir Poutine nail summit meeting in a “third country”. The leaders held a telephone dialogue on Tuesday as tensions mounted over Russian troops on the border with Ukraine. From tomorrow two US warships will sail the Black Sea until the first days of May.

This is the second phone call that transcends the two leaders since Joe Biden assumed the presidency of the United States in January. The communication came after President Putin announced the dispatch of two armies and three airborne units. “President Biden has expressed our concerns over the sudden increase in troops in occupied Crimea and on Ukraine’s borders, and called on Russia to defuse tensions,” the White House said in a statement.

From the Kremlin, they confirmed the deployment of their forces in their western zone. The Russian Minister of Defense, Sergei Shoigu, he assured that it was a response to the maneuvers attributed to NATO. “In response to the Alliance’s military activities threatening Russia, we have taken appropriate action.”Shoigú said Tuesday.

The Defense Minister referred to the deployment of troops by the United States and NATO near the Russian border, concentrating forces in the Black Sea and the Baltic. Last week, the United States informed Turkey of the expedition in the coming days of two warships to the Black Sea, where they will remain until May 4 and 5. On this occasion, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Riabkov called the actions of the North American country and the transatlantic military alliance as openly provocative.

“American ships have absolutely nothing to do near our shores”Riabkov told the Sputnik news agency. “They test our strength and play on our nerves (…) The United States must realize that the risks of various incidents are very high. We warn the United States that they should stay away from Crimea and our Black Sea coast for their own benefit, ”he added.

During the phone conversation, Biden reaffirmed that he seeks to build a stable and predictable relationship with Russia and in line with the interests of the United States. In this sense, the American president proposed that the two powers meet at a summit in a third country. This is not the first proposal for dialogue. Last month, the President of Russia summoned Biden to have a virtual dialogue after his American counterpart described him as “Murderer” in an interview with ABC News. However, the Democrat declined to participate in the video conference.

For his part, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called the arrival of Russian troops at the border with Ukraine “unwarranted” and called for the dispatch of military personnel to be stopped. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu assured that the measures were appropriate and had been decided in response to NATO threats.


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