Biden condemned “despicable and inconceivable” attacks on Jews in the United States


United States President Joe Biden
United States President Joe Biden

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, on Friday condemned “despicable, inconceivable and anti-American” “anti-Semitic” attacks on Jews Americans and asked them to stop.

“We saw a brick thrown through the window of a Jewish business in Manhattan, a swastika carved into the door of a synagogue in Salt Lake City, families at risk outside a restaurant in Los Angeles and museums in Florida and Alaskan, dedicated to celebrating Jewish life and culture and remembering the Holocaust, vandalized with anti-Jewish messages ”, the president lamented in a statement.

In this sense, he asserted that will not allow these “fellow citizens to be intimidated or attacked for who they are or the faith they practice”, facts which, he criticized, have “terrorized” the country’s Jews in recent weeks.

“We cannot allow the toxic combination of hate, dangerous lies and conspiracy theories to endanger our citizens.”, continued, to remember that the Ministry of Justice will deploy all the tools at its disposal to “fight against hate crimes”.

In recent days, he reiterated, we have seen “that no community is safe” from hatred, which is why he called for “unity” to “silence these terrible people. and terrifying echoes of the worst chapters in the history of the world ”. and we pledge to “not give hatred a haven of peace”.

The US President pointed out that May is Jewish Heritage Month in the United States, when “American Jews are honored to have inextricably integrated their experiences and achievements into the fabric of our national identity, overcoming the pain of history and helping to lead the fight for a more just, more just and more tolerant society.

United States President Joe Biden
United States President Joe Biden

“Let’s all take on this work and create a nation that stands up for the dignity and security of all our people.”, condemned.

however, The United States said on Friday it would impose a series of sanctions against Belarus, following the hijacking of a Ryanair flight on Sunday. and the arrest of a political opponent in Minsk.

In addition to the measures already announced in recent weeks, The White House said in a statement that it was establishing with the European Union “a list of targeted sanctions against key members of (Alexander) Lukashenko’s regime”..

“The forced hijacking by Belarus, under false pretenses, of a Ryanair commercial flight operating between two European Union member states” Yes the arrest of journalist Román Protasévich “constitutes a direct challenge to international standards”White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.

Economic sanctions against nine Belarusian state-owned enterprises, reimposed in April following a crackdown on pro-democracy protesters, will come into effect on June 3.

Following the contested 2006 elections, Washington has banned all transactions with these companies.

The US Treasury subsequently suspended these sanctions in 2015, welcoming some progress, but the US government warned at the end of March that this suspension could not be renewed at the next deadline.

(With information from Europa Press)


The United States announced sanctions against Belarus for the hijacking of the plane and described it as “a direct challenge to international standards”.
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