Biden declared Texas disaster area due to cold snap – News


About 60 deaths have been attributed to the cold snap in the United States, while millions of homes in Texas were without power and water.

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The crisis is generated by the fact that the southern state, by its own decision, is isolated from the federal electricity grid, This is not the case with Oklahoma, which also suffered the cold storm, without these consequences.

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“Yesterday, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. said there was a great disaster in the state of Texas and ordered federal aid to complement state and local recovery efforts in areas affected by the severe winter storms of February 11, 2021 and which are continuing, “the White House said in a statement on Saturday.

The president had already approved a declaration of emergency for the state last weekend, but the declaration of a major disaster would allow the Federal Emergency Management Agency to provide more resources and assistance.

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Actions include a additional insurance to help people whose costs are not covered or any other assistance for the construction of habitable houses.

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The assistance, according to a FEMA press release, also includes “grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover losses of uninsured property and other programs to help individuals and business owners recover from the effects of the disaster.

In the last few hours, electricity service has been gradually restored, although a total of 13 million people continue to experience water supply problems.

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