Biden focuses on transition as Trump plays …


After celebrating his historic and delayed election victory last Tuesday, Joe biden He focused this Sunday on the preparations for his arrival at the White House with two priorities: the fight against the pandemic and the reconciliation of a divided country. Biden maintained his custom of going to mass and soon after made his way to the cemetery where the remains of his son Beau, his first wife Neilia and their daughter Naomi lie. For his part, the outgoing president Donald trump he returned to his private golf club in the state of Virginia and has yet to concede defeat in the Nov. 3 election. He vowed to redouble his legal offensive to challenge the results, something ignored by Democratic voters who celebrated Biden’s resounding victory on the streets of major cities across the country.

Joe Biden has announced the launch of the transition team he will share with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. It will focus on the main current challenges of the country: fight the coronavirus pandemic, revive the economy, advance “racial equity” and fight the climate crisis.

Covid-19, which has so far killed 237,425 in the United States, that will be Biden’s priority as president-elect. This Monday, he will form a group of experts to develop a national plan to fight the virus that can be implemented from the day he takes power, January 20.

During the presidential campaign, Biden had already drawn a few lines of his coronavirus plan, as a project to form a national test network, the obligation to wear face masks in federal buildings and the free vaccination, when developed and tested.

Another important focus of the new American government will be the promise to bypass the process of withdrawing the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO), decided by Trump, and back to the Paris Climate Agreement pay particular attention to climate change. The Democratic leader promised overturn the immigration decree signed by Trump, which bans the entry into the country of citizens of several Muslim countries. In this sense, it will also promote the regularization of some eleven million undocumented migrants.

Biden and her running mate Kamala Harris, the first woman to become the country’s vice president, must start considering the conformation of their cabinet, which should grant a prominent place for women and representatives of minorities. In tune with his discourse on unity, there is also speculation about the inclusion of representatives of the more “left” wing of his party, not to mention the centrists and perhaps even some Republicans. But this decision depends on how the Senate is formed and these results are not yet defined.

In the legislature that is coming to an end, the Republicans held a majority in the Upper House with 53 seats out of 100. In this election, in which 35 seats were renewed, the Democrats lost one and seized two in the elections. republicans. But the count is still underway in two states and a second round will be required in Georgia because none of the candidates reached the threshold to be elected. The Senate will be crucial in the response to the severe economic crisis caused by covid-19, which has left millions unemployed and severe damage to the US economy.

Now President-elect of the United States, Biden maintained his routine every Sunday by attending mass at a church near his home in Delaware. A practicing Catholic, the former vice-president of Barack Obama, along with his daughter Ashley and grandson Hunter, attended St Joseph’s Church in Brandywine, in Wilmington, his place of residence. Soon after, he went to the cemetery where his son Beau, his first wife Neilia and his daughter Naomi are buried.

Deaf to the celebrations that lasted until the wee hours of Sunday in Washington, and which were concentrated in front of the square where the White House is located, Donald Trump has returned to relax at his golf club. If on Saturday he issued a press release in which he stressed that “the elections were not yet over” and denounced, still without evidence, “electoral fraud”, on Sunday he simply quoted two journalists from Fox, his favorite channel, and an article from the far-right Breitbart News site.

One of the few Republicans who recognized Biden’s victory was former 2012 presidential candidate and senator Mitt Romney, who showed his willingness to work with the president-elect. For his part, former President George W. Bush (2001-2009) congratulated Biden, and while affirming that Trump “has the right” to ask for the revision of the votes, he assured that “Americans can have confidence in this honest election “.

Biden and Kamala Harris became President and Vice President-elect of the United States on Saturday morning, after four days of slow scrutiny. Shortly before 11:30 a.m. local time on the East Coast, major television stations aired their screenings that gave the Democratic candidate the title of winner, after extending his Pennsylvania advantage by more than 30,000 votes over Trump and surpassing the magic number. of 270 electoral votes necessary for the triumph.

The news led to Democratic-majority cities like Washington, New York, and San Francisco to become a true party with thousands of people shouting “Trump you’re fired”, the mythical phrase that the magnate uttered in his reality TV show “The beginner“.


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