Biden warned Trump was ‘far behind’ in vaccine distribution


The President-elect of the United States, Joe biden, today warned that the outgoing president, Donald trump, rest “far back” regarding the distribution of the vaccine against Covid-19.

“As I feared, efforts to distribute and administer the vaccine they are not progressing as they shouldBiden lamented, according to information from the television network CNN collected by the Europa Press news agency.

The doctor Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergic and Infectious Diseases, admitted today that the number of vaccinated to date is ten times less than expected.

“It’s certainly not in the numbers we want to be at the end of December” in terms of people vaccinated against the coronavirus, the US epidemiologist said.

In this regard, Biden recalled that a few weeks ago the Trump administration stated that 20 million Americans they will be vaccinated before the end of December.

However, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported that 11.4 million doses of vaccines distributed across the country, until yesterday morning only two million inhabitants had received the first dose of one of the two vaccines already authorized, the one developed by American and German laboratories, Pfizer / BioNTech, and the American Modern.

“We are at day 29 and we have only vaccinated a few million people”, said the Democrat, who will assume the executive on January 20.

Biden assured that if the vaccination program continues at this rate “It will take years, not months, to vaccinate the entire American population.”

In this regard, he has developed a distribution plan 100 million vaccines, enough to vaccinate about 50 million people, in their first 100 of the mandate. But for that, Congress will have to give the green light to obtain the necessary funds.

However, he recalled that even if 1 million people were vaccinated per day, it would take months to immunize a large part of the population.

“This will be the biggest operational challenge we have ever faced as a nation,” he said, before promising to do away with “heaven and earth” once he is sworn in next month.

The United States is already accumulating more than 19.3 million coronavirus infectionsincluding 168,817 enrolled in the past 24 hours, Johns Hopkins University reported today.

1,718 other people died during the same period from the virus, which the total number of deaths from the disease rose to over 334,800added the University of Baltimore.

Source: Tlam


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