Biden will announce this Monday a committee of experts to fight against the coronavirus


The President-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, will announce this Monday the twelve members of a committee of experts to fight against the epidemic of coronavirus, according to sources close to the Democratic candidate quoted by CNN.

This commission will be chaired by three co-chairs: the former director of public health in the United States, Vivek Murthy, the former food and drugs commissioner David Kessler and the professor of Yale University, Marcella Nunez- Smith.

This very precise data contrasts with the possible appointments of his government, since it is not expected that there will be names for several weeks, according to sources consulted by CNN, who explain that he could even be delayed until to what we know for sure if the Republican Party continues to control the Senate.

Sources have assured Biden has specific names designed for each of the counts, so the announcement by coronavirus commission officials gives some idea of ​​how high this issue is for him.

In any case, the change in policy regarding the coronavirus will have to wait until January 20, the official date of the inauguration of the new president.

One of the more likely measures is the mandatory use of a mask nationwide, although Biden himself has acknowledged that it will be difficult to implement beyond controlled areas and facilities. federal because of the broad powers available to states.

The priorities are to fight the virus, restore confidence, create a coherent national strategy, make treatment accessible to the entire population, provide financial assistance to affected sectors and collaborate with other countries to avoid new infections. . For this, for example, he will give daily press conferences with the data of the epidemic.

Meanwhile, Trump’s environment has highlighted the handling of the coronavirus as one of the keys to the incumbent president’s electoral defeat. In particular, they spoke of misinformation and a contemptuous attitude that allegedly alienated older voters.

The United States has so far reported 9,794,988 coronavirus cases and 236,498 deaths, according to the Johns Hopkins University tally. In the last three days for which data is available, they have consecutively broken records for daily infections, with 132,540 new positives in Friday’s tally alone.


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