Bill Gates’ first prediction comes true: what about the second?


Bill Gates had assured that the first 4 or 5 months of 2021 would be difficult but that then the effect of the vaccines would gradually be noticed

Forecasts of Bill Gates They’re usually perfect, which is why the world pays attention to them whenever they talk about coronavirus. Months ago, Gates claimed that The first 4 or 5 months of 2021 are going to be difficult, but that from this moment effect of vaccines.

In recent months, the co-founder of Microsoft had excellent media coverage as many of his predictions about the Coronavirus pandemic they got closer to reality.

With the arrival of this new year, it is expected that the pandemic it begins to be truly controlled, since the vaccination plan is active in all countries of the world, although each takes it at different rates.

Although there is no clear date, Bill Gates predicted that the return to normal life will arrive around next spring (referring to the United States). This was detailed in an interview on the NBC television network.

When will the next pandemic take place?

And he not only referred to this pandemic, but to what will come later: “I hope the next pandemic will be in 20 years, but we must act as if it will happen within 3 “, warned the philanthropist to try to point out that if the societies of each country are prepared, it will be less harmful than the current one.

This is not the first time the mogul has named the same date to overcome the pandemic. On other occasions, he has also said that in 2021, the first countries in the world will return to normal if the vaccines work.

“The latest news, like the arrival of the vaccine, will allow us to resume normal life,” Bill Gates said in the interview, although he also warned that it was still too early to claim victory, and that we must continue to comply with the recommendations of the health authorities.


In 2021, the world’s first countries will return to normal if vaccines work, warns

What will the first months of 2021 look like?

“Computer models predict that the pandemic could worsen during the month of January,” Gates argues in a blog post. In this same writing, he is also concerned about the new strain of coronavirus detected in UK: “We need to know more about this new variant of the virus, which appears to be more contagious, but not more deadly,” he warns.

Another aspect addressed in the NBC interview is the importance of individual responsibility when stopping the virus, a key factor in the first months of 2021, when there won’t be enough vaccines yet: “What people can do at this time to minimize the spread is cut back on meetings and use the mask. ”

Telework and women, two key issues for Gates


Telework and the role of women in the global economy will be two key issues

The businessman also focused on the economic crisis and the generalization of the telecommuting. This modality will continue to be implemented on a large scale in 2021, as predicted.

“More than 50% of business trips and more than 30% of office work will disappear,” he warns. “We will go to the office and travel for work, but we will do it much less often “, Add.

For the co-founder of Microsoft, the solution for the next economic crisis gives more weight to women in the global economy, Business Insider informed.

This is because women are responsible for the domestical economy in many companies around the world, and according to NBC for Bill Gates, it’s an advantage over the fact that the finances are in the hands of men.

“The benefits of having the money under your control means that it’s more likely to be used for education or food and for things that lift families out of poverty,” he adds.

Since the first cases of pneumonia of unknown cause began to be recorded in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019, the coronavirus epidemic has started to spread to countries in Southeast Asia, and Thailand has was the first country after China to test positive for the coronavirus. A week later, cases began to be counted in the United States, Europe and parts of the Middle East.

The disease is spreading very quickly, and after being paralyzed in China, it has spread to the rest of the world, mainly to Europe and America, and appears to be unchecked.

The three European countries reporting more coronavirus cases these are currently France (5,321,176), Russia (4,649,044) and the United Kingdom (4,401,176). On the American continent, the countries leading the ranking of those affected are: the United States (31,629,036), Brazil (13,900,091) and Argentina (2,677,747). South Africa with 1,565,680 affected is the most affected country in Africa and Asia-Oceania, India already accumulates 14,788,109 cases of Covid-19.

Israel, the country with the most vaccinated inhabitants

Israel began its vaccination process on December 20 and became the country that purchased and applied the most vaccines, 119.2 vaccines per 100 population. Next come the United Arab Emirates with 97.1 and Chile with 67.7 vaccinated per 100 inhabitants.

In Europe, the United Kingdom is in the lead. As of April 16, 62 out of 100 residents have received at least one dose. Away are Spain with 26.37, Germany (25.46), Italy (24.81) and France (24.55).

As for those vaccinated at all doses, Israel is again at the top of the ranking, far from the rest of the countries of the world. In this regard, it should be noted that Chile, which even belongs to a region in which the number of vaccinated per 100 inhabitants is 13.78, is the second country in the world where more doses with a full schedule have been administered. : 27.57 per 100 inhabitants. .


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