Bill Gates is already thinking about the next pandemic | “There is …


Bill Gates billionaire businessman asked to design a strategy to stop “the next pandemic” Yes called for a global alert system – with more than 3,000 specialists “out of the box” – and billions of dollars in annual spending.

“We can’t be surprised again,” Microsoft co-founder and his wife Melinda wrote in an annual letter on their founding page, Bill and Melinda Gates. “The threat of the next pandemic will always hover over our heads, unless the world takes action to prevent it,” the text adds.

To avoid future destruction in proportions of that caused by COVID-19, “pandemic preparedness must be taken as seriously as we take the threat of war,” the Gates couple said. “To stop the next pandemic, it will take tens of billions of dollars a year, a significant investment, but remember that the Covid-19 pandemic is expected to cost the world $ 28 trillion,” he added. . “The world needs to spend billions to save billions (and avoid millions of deaths),” he added in the letter.

The American, considered the third richest person in the world according to Forbes, urged rich countries to provide the bulk of the investment, noting that their governments will benefit the most. The philanthropist also advocates the creation of a team of some 3,000 perfectly trained academic professionals, a sort of pandemic “firefighters”, available and on permanent alert.

In particular, according to the charity Oxfam, 2020 results of the ten richest people in the world, including doors, would suffice to vaccinate the whole world and reverse the increase in poverty caused by the pandemic.

Conspiracy theories

Hours earlier, Gates said in an interview that was baffled by the amount of “crazy” and “malicious” conspiracy theories who have spread on social networks and who hold it responsible, among other things, for the creation and spread of the coronavirus around the world. In addition He assured that he would like to study what is behind these theories.

Earlier this year, a Peruvian court opened a case against Gates, George Soros and the Rockefeller family, holding them responsible for being members of the “global criminal elites” and creators of the coronavirus. “No one could have predicted that Dr Fauci and I would be so important in these really perverted theories. said the philanthropist and Microsoft co-founder. I am very surprised by all of this. I hope it will disappear ”.


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