Bill Gates once again predicts the end of the pandemic


Bill Gates continues his prophetic statements about the future of the coronavirus pandemic. Now he explained in an interview with the American channel Sky News, why would the world return to “normal” at the end of next year.

“The world will be completely back to normal by the end of 2022, when there is an excess of vaccines which allows the whole of society to be vaccinated. Bill Gates says it, one of the most authoritative voices when it comes to coronavirus, since it was he himself who warned a few years ago of the danger of a pandemic which, unfortunately, has reached the whole world in 2020.

Those who have the opportunity to chat with the founder of Microsoft usually don’t miss the opportunity to ask him about the development of Covid-19 and the world in general. In 2015, he surprised by assuring that “if something is going to kill more than 10 million people in the decades to come, it is more likely that it is a highly contagious virus than a war”.

Bill Gates was vaccinated against the coronavirus in January.

Bill Gates was vaccinated against the coronavirus in January.

A few words which have become more relevant with the onset of the coronavirus, although for the future the business mogul is clear that the problems will come because “someone who wants to do serious damage could conceive a virus and I believe that the possibility of encountering is more than for an epidemic of natural origin like the current one. “

The billionaire gave his predictions on Sophy Ridge on Sunday. There he said that the high rate of vaccine dissemination against the coronavirus in the richest countries, like the United States. and the UK, helping to release doses to share with other countries.

While he doesn’t expect the coronavirus to be eradicated next year, Bill Gates He said it is very possible that the number of cases could be reduced to “very few” by the end of 2022. On the other hand, Gates believes that while there will be a considerable drop in cases coronavirus next year, it is necessary that preparing for future pandemics is a “top priority” for all governments.

Bill Gates spoke about the equitable distribution of vaccines around the world to stop the coronavirus pandemic.  Photo / EFE

Bill Gates spoke about the equitable distribution of vaccines around the world to stop the coronavirus pandemic. Photo / EFE

In this sense, the businessman also expressed his concern about the oblivion that the dominant countries could have, as happened with other diseases, for example, after the Ebola epidemic in Africa. However, due to the devastating economic and human cost caused by the pandemic, Bill Gates is convinced “this generation will remember it”.


On reducing the UK’s foreign aid budget from 0.7% of gross national income to 0.5%, Gates said the sooner it can be restored “the better” because of its “critical importance” in the fight against diseases such as polio, among others.

He also said British voters should be “very proud” of his impact on the world, but warned that it would decrease unless the reduction in the contribution, made in response to the economic effects of the pandemic in the UK , be canceled.

The Ebola epidemic in Africa, one of the dangers was the discontinuity of aid from the strongest governments.  Photo / EFE

The Ebola epidemic in Africa, one of the dangers was the discontinuity of aid from the strongest governments. Photo / EFE

When asked if he was still convinced that the world would be “completely normal” again by the end of 2022, Gates replied, “Yes I am:” Yes I am. And he added, about the Johnson & Johnson vaccine that his foundation supports, Bill and Melinda Gates.

In this sense, he said that “there are still questions about the extent to which the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will be used, if accepted it would be very beneficial, but some of the rich countries, including the United States and the UK, even this summer they will achieve high vaccination levels and this will allow us to bring vaccines to all over the world at the end of 2021 and throughout 2022 and thus, we will not have eradicated this disease, but we will be able to reduce it to a very small number by the end of 2022 “.

Fair sharing

In addition, in the interview with Sky News, he touched on the distribution of vaccines around the world. the vaccines have worked, although we now take a look at some of the side effects and make sure we can treat them and they are very rare, this good news means we can offer more. “

If this is fulfilled, according to Bill Gates, the near future will bode well since, in this case, “the places where you want to vaccinate everyone over 60, like South Africa or Brazil, will become a priority in the next three or four months. “

Vaccination was uneven between developed and underdeveloped countries, which is wrong for Bill Gates, but understandable.  Photo / Xinhua

Vaccination was uneven between developed and underdeveloped countries, which is wrong for Bill Gates, but understandable. Photo / Xinhua

At the same time, he slipped that the fact that rich countries have prioritized vaccines “is not entirely surprising because vaccinating the elderly in rich countries, which pandemic worse than most developing countries, that was a good thing. “

And on the uneven distribution of doses, he explained that “the fact that we are now vaccinating 30 year olds in the UK and the US and not every 60 in Brazil and South Africa (vaccinated), is not fair, but within three or four months the allocation of vaccines will reach all countries with a very serious epidemic. “

Next pandemic

Finally, the businessman stressed the need to prepare for future health crises. “As we haven’t practiced it, it’s clear that if we understand the variants and understand how quickly the regulatory work can be done, when it will happen again, we could be so much smarter“.

And he concluded by saying that governments “haven’t invested enough in this risk … so I hope we take into account that we have to invest and be ready for the next pandemic“.

Also watch

Covid-19: the worrying alert from the epidemiologist who anticipated a pandemic


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