Bill Gates’ pessimistic choir forecast …


Faced with the sustained increase in cases of coronavirus in the United States, the entrepreneur Bill Gates warned against the lack of care of citizens and predicts that in the land there will be 2 thousand deaths per day before the vaccine arrives.

The businessman recalled that the use of masks, social distancing and hand washing are the three tasks to be performed to avoid contracting coronavirus, in a context where infections continue to increase. “Ideally, people would say, I have to do my best,” Gates said in an interview with CNN.

The Microsoft founder noted that vaccines developed by different laboratories would hit the US market next year. In this sense, he stressed that as long as the approval process is not completed, people should work together so that the virus does not affect the country even more.

During the 16 months until the coverage is high we will probably have 2000 deaths per day in January, FebruaryHe predicted.

Due to the continued spread of the coronavirus, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington School of Medicine conducted a projection which indicates that on March 1 the country will have 471 thousand dead40,000 more than he had expected the week before.

“There are going to be several hundred thousand lives lost in the United States alone. We will look back and say: why haven’t we been able to convince people to stay on track until we reach this very high level of vaccination, which will probably be at the end of spring ”, concluded Gates.


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