Bill Gates predicted a new pandemic that will affect humanity | the Chronicle


In the latest edition of the podcast posted on his blog, “Bill Gates and Rashida Jones ask big questions”, the tycoon and the actor spoke with the best American epidemiologist, Anthony Fauci, and the Microsoft co-founder predicts that humanity will face a new pandemic that “I hope it could be in 20 years, but we have to assume it could be less than 3 “, however, he believes his impact will be “less destructive” than that of the propagation of coronavirus.

The businessman emphasized that the next pandemic could be less destructive because “we will have practiced” how to act. “Every country will respond like South Korea or Australia did, where they are testing and quickly quarantining people and our testing tools will be much better.”, the businessman said, adding that “we won’t be so stupid the second time around”.

According to data from Johns Hopkins University, in Maryland, United States, since the beginning of the Covid-19, they had 58.4 million infections and over 1.3 million dead registered worldwide, while more than 37.3 million people have recovered from the disease.


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