Bill Gates warned next pandemic would be 10 times worse – News


The tech industry mogul criticized that more preparation could be done regarding the coronavirus pandemic so that the damage is less.

If there had been better diagnostic capacity, people infected and deaths would have been less“, He told German media South German newspaper.

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Bill Gates stressed that a global response was needed for these types of emergencies and stressed that no country could have faced Covid-19 alone.

It should be a lesson for other world issues

“If the current coronavirus pandemic had been triggered five years ago, it would have taken longer for the world to develop an effective vaccine against the virus,” Gates said.

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Additionally, Foundation Chairman Bill and Melinda Gates warned: “Misinformation about vaccines creates uncertainty for some people, but if they are not vaccinated, the health crisis will take longer to end.”

On other occasions he had made it clear that the world is not out of the woods yet, since available vaccines are distributed only to health workers, the elderly and people with chronic diseases.


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