Bill Gates warns of the most difficult months of the pandemic


The Microsoft co-founder got huge media coverage as many of his predictions about the pandemic came close to reality.

American businessman and philanthropist Bill Gates was able to predict a health crisis like the one we are currently experiencing due to Covid19. He also predicted which drug company would be to launch the first dose.

Their predictions are generally correct. This is why he returned to refer to what will happen in the near future regarding the pandemic, when it will end and what changes will remain. He also revealed what 2021 could look like and all is not encouraging.

In this regard, he now predicts that the first 4 or 5 months of 2021 will be difficult, but that from then on, the effect of the vaccines will start to be noticed..

With the arrival of this new year, it is expected that the pandemic starts to be really controlled, because the vaccinations they are approved and injected to the first patients. But it is not that simple: mass production and distribution of vaccines will be a major challenge for countries.

Although there is no clear date, Bill Gates predicted that the return to normal life will arrive around next spring (referring to the United States), as detailed in an interview on the NBC television network.


With the arrival of this new year, the pandemic is expected to truly start to be brought under control

This is not the first time the mogul has named the same date to overcome the pandemic. On other occasions, he also pointed out that in 2021, the first countries of the world would return to normal if the vaccines work.

“The latest news like the arrival of the vaccine is going to get us back to normal life,” Bill Gates said in the interview, although he also warned that it was still too early to claim victory, and that we must continue to comply with the recommendations of health authorities.

What will happen in the next few months

He alerted that the Covid-19 it will continue to feature on the political agenda around the world. In fact, he mentioned that he estimates that most of his time this year will be spent discussing with world leaders the coronavirus and also climate change.

“Computer models predict that the pandemic could worsen during the month of January”, Gates argues in an article posted on his blog.

In this same writing, he is also concerned about the new strain of coronavirus detected in UK: “We need to know more about this new variant of the virus, which appears to be more contagious, but not more deadly,” he warns.

Another aspect discussed in the NBC interview is the importance of individual responsibility when stopping the virus, a key factor in the first months of 2021, when there won’t be enough vaccines yet: “What people can do at this time to minimize the spread is cut back on meetings and use the mask. ”


In 2021, the world’s first countries will return to normal if vaccines work, warns

The big challenge of vaccine distribution for countries

Although the arrival of vaccines was a big step that created hope for all, the businessman warns that mass production and distribution of vaccines will be a big challenge for countries.

“Unfortunately, there aren’t that many factories yet where you can make mRNA products. Some also have to be stored at temperatures as low as -70 ° C, making them particularly difficult to distribute in developing countries, although this is more difficult for engineering than a scientific barrier, ”explains the businessman in his publication.

The good news is that, according to Gates, there will be representative changes in the way countries conduct tests that will be cheaper and more immediate, making those uncomfortable tests obsolete.

And he not only referred to this pandemic, but to what will come later: “I hope the next pandemic will be in 20 years, but we must act as if it was going to happen within 3 “, warned the philanthropist to try to point out that if the societies of each country are prepared, it will be less harmful than the current one.


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