Bill of US $ 1.5 million with a men's shoe brand


In 1998, Santiago Pereyro went to Spain as a hiker. At that moment, he knew that he would come back to live there. At the time, this industrial engineer (ITBA), native of Puerto Madryn, was working at Ternium, where he remained until 2002, when he decided to leave the corporate world to go to install in Spain.
Its story was reflected by the magazine Lucila Lopardo in a report published by Revista Apertura, one of the most important in the business world in Argentina.
It is 11 am on a cold January day in Madrid. Pereiro just arrived from Barcelona to Barajas airport. In a cafe, he asks for a cup and remembers the decision that led him to change his destiny: "I did not see myself as CEO, whether or not I could access this position, but that is not the case. was a path I did not want to cross. " The change brought him to create with Luis Sosa Mendoza, a partner and former partner of Techint – which is currently part of the Ministry of Tourism – Terra Sur, a premium travel agency that has created tailor-made proposals for VIP customers. Pereiro would be in charge of developing the international leg and thus accomplish his goal of living in the Iberian country.

Between Europe and Argentina

This decision led to getting investors within the company and to maintain a business that lasted more than eight years . years old But that did not take the flight they were waiting for: "It worked well and we grew up a lot in Europe, but by the time we wanted to jump, in 2008 we did not know how navigate the crisis ".
The sale of Terra Sur in 2010 brought him back to Argentina. While he was looking for an investment project, he worked with his friend Daniel Porcelli, who lived in Atlanta in the United States, to help via Skype another friend from Puerto Madryn who was manufacturing high-end shoes craftsmanship in Barcelona: Norman Vilalta. Known for making custom shoes for personalities such as chef Ferran Adriá, he trusted his friends to organize his business. "In two years we have invested, we have well badembled the workshop and developed the ready-to-wear," says Pereiro, who returns to Barcelona, ​​but admits that at the time they decided to separate to "maintain friendship."

19659003] Together with Porcelli, they decided to continue in the men's shoe industry, develop their own collection and sell it via e-commerce. The project called Cobbler Union and eventually became a transatlantic start-up with five employees and an annual business turnover of $ 1 million. Although production and equipment are growing in the United States, the goal for 2018 is to create foundations in Spain to expand the presence in the European market. One of the first steps will be to move from Barcelona to Madrid, a strategic city for networking and its proximity to the main production centers, one of Spain 's forts and a cultural center. business, because, according to Pereiro, "Yes the shoe is not well made, it hurts and you do not buy it anymore."

Near Argentina

D & # 39; In Atlanta, USA, Santiago oversees the case and plans his next destination.
This child who arrived in Puerto Madryn while he was only 8 years old and who left a dozen years to train and get to know the world, badured in a dialogue with FM Tiempo that he was returning to Argentina and especially to Patagonia at least three times a year.
"There live my parents, a brother and many friends," said that Madrynense who lives since 2011 in Barcelona, ​​but thinks that in the near future should be settled on the other side of the Atlantic.
As for Cobbler Union, he said that with his partner "we were looking at new business models, which had evolved a lot and were directly related to the consumer; they are usually born on the internet and what they do is basically skip a marketing channel, what they produce goes directly to the consumer and the prices paid by the consumer are lower. "

Business Sustained

" They have achieved especially in high cost products because without having intermediaries the savings are very important for which we had studied how this model was developing in others. products, and we had learned to manufacture high quality shoes, we did it for shoes. "
Nevertheless, Pereyro says that "everything is more difficult than possible.Our company has a very good growth, a healthy business that is growing well, but on the other hand, it is sustainable in time, and for that sudden jumps are not good.We have a growth mentality, but rather in a linear way, not only work and do well, but also enjoy life and what we do, "said the man. business of Chubut which is now developing its activity in the North American market.

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