Billionaire caught mistreating his wife


VIDEO: The owner of the San Francisco Giants apologizes.

The billionaire and owner of the San Francisco Giants, Larry Baer, ​​is excused after havinghe did viral video in which he hits his wifePam Baer.

The recording was released by TMZ Sports and we see Larry Baer attacking his wife while he was trying to remove a cell phone.

The businessman shoots his wife, who finds herself on the ground because of the stabbing of the owner of the baseball team.


After the broadcast of the video, the billionaire said that "the problem was solved" and that he regretted what had happened. In a second statement, he stated that "he is not the kind of person he wants to be."

In this regard, the authorities of San Francisco and Major League Baseball said they were investigating what had happened, but they did not announce any action on the part of businessman Larry Baer.


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