Bin Laden's son and current King of al Qaeda are dead | Chronic


A son of the late leader of the fundamentalist network of al-Qaeda Osama bin Laden, HamzaHe died in uninformed circumstances, according to US intelligence sources quoted Wednesday by the local NBC television channel.

According to NBC, three US government sources who asked not to be identified confirmed the death of Hamza bin Laden, but without specifying how and where the death occurred.

The sources also did not reveal whether Washington, which last March offered a million-dollar reward for any information that led to its location, played a role in the death of Hamza Bin Laden.

US authorities suspected that he was perhaps somewhere on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, perhaps waiting for an opportunity to visit Iran.

At first, he was another son of Osama, Saad Bin Laden, who was named to succeed his father at the head of al-Qaeda, but his death in Pakistan during a drone attack in 2009 forced him to name Hamza as his new heir, ten years younger than the firstborn who died.

In announcing the offer of a reward for Hamza, the US State Department later claimed that Osama's son had recently posted on the Internet videos and audios in which he invited his supporters to attack the United States and its Western allies. response to the death of his father in May 2011.

Bin Laden's son was married in August with the daughter of Mohamed Atta, the main kidnapper of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks in the United States, who killed about 3,000 people.

Atta was the pilot of Flight 11 of American Airlines, which had hit the north tower of the World Trade Center in Manhattan as part of the attacks.

Hamza was the son of one of Osama bin Laden's three wives, Jairia Sabar, who lived with her husband in a compound in Abbottabad, near a large Pakistani military academy, when he was shot dead in a US military attack.

Despite the fact that in recent years, Al-Qaeda is in the shadow of the Islamic State, Washington believes that the extremist group retains the ability and intent to continue its fight against the United States and his allies, which is why he considered it a priority. the capture of Hamza.


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