BioNTech is committed to providing more vaccines to …


In the midst of the European battle for vaccines, the German laboratory BioNTech announced the acceleration of its shipments to the European Union (EU) of the vaccine against Covid-19, developed in collaboration with the American Pfizer, and has committed to deliver 75 million additional doses in the second quarter.

According to BioNTech, the goal is to increase deliveries from the second half of February to comply with what has been agreed for the first quarter of the year.

Sierk Poetting, chief financial officer of BioNTech, said the two labs will provide an additional 75 million doses to the European Union, as a summit was held between various pharmaceutical groups to speed up the vaccination campaign, which is slowly progressing in Germany, and many others. European countries.

Poetting said the delay was linked to changes in the production line at the Belgian plant in Puurs and that production had now “returned to the original delivery plan”. In total, the EU has placed an order for 600 million doses of its medicine, called “Comirnaty”.

The announcement of the temporary drop in supply in mid-January has raised concerns among several European governments. Shortly after, the tension increased when the British laboratory AstraZeneca announced that it would deliver fewer doses than expected.

As published by PáginaI12, in addition to the delay in deliveries announced by Pfizer-BioNTech, a similar announcement regarding doses produced by AztraZeneca-Oxford was subsequently added, which put the European Union on the path to war against its former partner, Britain, under suspicion that the government of Prime Minister Boris Jhonson is seeking doses to achieve immunity on the island faster.

The EU is behind in its vaccination program, which now reaches two doses per 100 people, compared to nearly eleven per 100 in the UK. Due to this European operational and logistical delay, there is now a drain on the basic input production chain.

Instead of the 100 million vaccines promised, AstraZeneca estimates a delivery of around 31 million doses by the end of March.


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