Birds aren’t real: conspiranoid group says birds are actually spy drones


An ever-growing group of people in the United States have come together to uncover what they believe is a new conspiracy theory: through social media and at public protests in various American cities, This group of conspiranoids ensures that birds do not exist.

Group theory Birds are not realI “, which began in the city of Springfield and today has more than 800 thousand followers on Reddit and Instagram, states that there are no birds in the United States, since they were exterminated by the government of Dwight Eisenhower (1953-1961) to be replaced by spy drones with the appearance of birds.

Birds are not real

Birds are not real 20210719

“What makes me think that?” I think the evidence is all around us, the birds are sitting on the power lines, we think their batteries are chargingWe think bird poop in cars is a liquid tracking device, ”said young Peter McIndoe, the mastermind behind the latest conspiracy theory. He claims the birds are “sophisticated robot replicas” with five-megapixel cameras and tracking systems.

McIndoe claims he did not found the movement, but was the first to launch the campaign in January 2017 during a women’s march in Memphis. Mcindoe, an English and Philosophy student at the University of Memphis in Tennessee, held up a sign at the rally that read: “Birds are a myth; they are an illusion; they are a lie. Wake up America! Awake”.

Birds are not real 20210719

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On its website, the movement offers a long history and explanation of the theory, which has involved the US intelligence community: “Birds are not real. They werehe. Until the government of the United States replaced them with identical replicas of drones designed to spy on the American public. “, Explain.

According to the non-profit environmental association lucro National Audubon Society, Mcindoe is actually using his campaign to earn money by selling products inspired by the brand. “Birds are not real”. For others, the movement actually seeks make fun of the big conspiracy theories, prevalent in Donald Trump’s day, like QAnon.

Birds are not real

Birds are not real 20210719


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