Bitcoin billionaire Mircea Popescu dies: no one now knows how to access the $ 2 billion he had in cryptocurrency


Mircea Popescu
Mircea Popescu

Mircea Popescu, 41, controversial Bitcoin billionaire, died suddenly leaving a huge cryptocurrency fortune that could be estimated at $ 2 billion.

From what he reported New York Post, subject matter experts believe that this money could be lost forever, an inaccessible fortune for lack of keys.

Popescu was known to be one of the largest individual Bitcoin holders in the world. According to local media, drowned last week near Playa Hermosa, off Costa Rica, after going swimming in the morning.

Popescu would have been “swept away and died instantly”.

Since, his death was confirmed by three women that, according to the information that has circulated, they were near him, although others have expressed doubts about his fate.

His website, which he used to keep active, hasn’t been updated since June 23, the day of his reported death.

Experts felt that Popescu, a controversial figure with “documented cases of sexism and intolerance”, Had at least tens of thousands of bitcoins, and even others dare to take on even higher stakes.

Mircea Popescu was 41 years old
Mircea Popescu was 41 years old

New York Post reported that it is not yet clear who – if any – has access to their digital assets, and crypto watchers already they speculate that fortune may have been lost in limbo.

Alexandre martre, a Crypto Briefing research analyst, claimed on Twitter that Popescu’s Bitcoins may be lost forever, as well as those of John McAfee, the antivirus software pioneer who hanged himself in a Spanish prison last week.

For its part, Antoine Pompliano, founder of Pomp Investments and prominent Bitcoin Bull, said in a tweet that he later deleted that the loss of Popescu’s holdings could benefit other current crypto holders.

Mircea Popescu, a Bitcoin OG, has passed away. He probably had quite a bit of bitcoinPompliano said on June 27 in the deleted tweet. And I add: “We may never know how many or if they are lost forever, but it reminds me (of what) Satoshi said: ‘Lost coins only add value to other people’s coins. Think of it as a gift to everyone‘”.

Pompliano appeared to be referring to a quote attributed to Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonym used by the anonymous person (s) who developed Bitcoin.

The tweet from Peter Rizzo, who called Popescu "father of bitcoin toxicity" and underlined his contribution "philosophical"
The tweet from Peter Rizzo, who called Popescu “the father of Bitcoin’s toxicity” and highlighted his “philosophical” contribution

Others in the crypto space mourned the loss of Popescu, who was known as a pioneer and early adopter of Bitcoin.

Pierre Rizzo, editor-in-chief of Bitcoin Magazine, said Popescu was known as “The father of Bitcoin’s toxicity“By some.


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