Black government week: between prisoners and confusion over political strategies


Source: LA NACION – Credit: Fabián Marelli

In the midst of the turbulence, some confusion prevailed; some have paid the confrontation and others the dialogue; regrets for the late incorporation of Lacunza

Hernán Lacunza he wrote a message to
Julio Cobos. He asked, without losing his temper, to control his public statements. "
Everything we say has an impact"said the finance minister.The radical senator – before the journalistic requisition – had declared" that there will be no other alternative "than a control of the changes. Friday working hours, in a week of economic turmoil.

The government is in its own labyrinth.
Whether it was Cobos who said something indicable, it was nothing more than an echo of the situation in which lies the ruling party, which was warmed by internal struggles . There are discussions on political strategy and communication management. Bounces persist for the control of the STEP. "It's a big" fault of the other ", summarizes an important member of the small table to

Cobos spoke publicly this week because Mauricio Macri asked senators (Wednesday, in Olivos) to go out to defend the administration. At this meeting, legislators demanded that the most difficult economic decisions be made "at once" and not by dropper.

The Speaker then presented to senators the announcements that Lacunza would make this afternoon, including the IMF's indebtedness. That's why it's also Cobos – who has been silent for years – who has advanced the financial measures. This week, the radicals, such as Mario Negri and Luis Naidenoff, were given the green light to make statements. The same thing happened with the head of the Civic Coalition, Elisa Carrió, who was free to talk and campaign as she wished. For example, he opted for a number in a village hall in Quilmes. Pichetto was also a libero.

Yesterday, Macri spent the day in his fifth of Los Abrojos, without making any public statements. From the government, they reconsidered the political dialogue, a strategy that had been put in place after the OSP and that was abruptly interrupted Monday evening, when the President raged against Alberto Fernández and the ruling party crossed the Front of all. by the statement on the IMF.

Various cabinet members lamented that Macri resumed intransigence earlier this week. "The key is the dollar, you have to sacrifice the ideologies and aim for there.Now, how many balls do you have to spend? That's what politics gives you.Last week, politics helped and on Monday night the government has broken the dialogue and there is no place to win talks, "said a senior official.

Despite the irritation of Macri with Fernández, Lacunza has never cut the bridges with opposition. He had a dialogue with economists from the Frente de Todos, such as Martín Redrado, Guillermo Nielsen and Emmanuel Álvares Agis. When the Finance Minister announced on Wednesday the "redefinition of maturities" of debt with the IMF, he also managed to coordinate the timing of communications with the credit agency, whose emissaries returned to the United States.

The same afternoon, the Minister of Production, Dante Sica, met with the authorities of the National Securities Commission (CNV) and officials of various companies to contain them. The announcement of the extension of the expiry of Letes and Lecaps has affected the companies.

Beyond the abandonment of economic orthodoxy, Lacunza was weighed inside the cabinet this week as a "good communicator", unlike Dujovne. "It's a good player who gets in the reduced time, with several goals behind, what can he play?", Compared a minister this week. As the hours pbaded, criticism was sent to the outgoing minister. "It was very difficult to talk to Dujovne, he always said no, his plan was to do nothing," complained a manager.

Internal reproaches

Carrió, Pichetto and the Radicals wanted to fill the spaces that were not occupied by the founding members of Pro, enraged against Marcos Peña. Governor Maria Eugenia Vidal, as she was able to rebuild
THE NATION, is irritated by the chief of staff for the political strategy. In recent days he has focused on the province's campaign and has not talked about national management.

"Where is (Nicolás) Dujovne? We warned them at the time and they did not listen to us!", The governor of Buenos Aires blamed this week. Vidal maintains a frequent dialogue with Lacunza, who was his minister of the economy just two weeks ago. In La Plata, they attribute to the governor an important role in the change of jurisdiction of the official. When Macri broke the truce with Fernández, Vidal asked the finance minister to "abstain" from the political reaction

Vidal and his team recognize that luck is there in the province and that the impetus of the candidate Kirchner, Axel Kicillof, is a chimera. But he will fight to get as many votes as possible, because the president will need it for his political projection.

"What surely does not come, that's the rock," they said snidely near Vidal. They even questioned the performance of consultant Jaime Durán Barba. They said that the "guru" is "with the actions down."

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta will also be on display focusing on his campaign, although he is maintaining an initiative in the national army. In the city team, they traveled this week to Peña. "Today, there is no communication strategy, we are like a boxer," they said near Larreta. They added a deep complaint: they considered that the chief of staff had to withdraw before the STEP.

Chronology of five intense days

Alberto Fernández with the IMF


The Todos Front candidate met with the international organization, which was described as cordial. However, in the end, he issued a statement in which he accused the agency and cast a shadow over the current disbursement.

Dollar rise


After the meeting between Alberto Fernández and the Monetary Fund, the dollar reached 62 dollars. Miguel Pichetto accused the Kirchner of telling the agency not to execute the US $ 5,400 million disbursement to Argentina.

New measures


Lacunza has announced economic measures to calm the markets after the rise of the dollar. The government has decided to eliminate the maturity of treasury bills and will seek to "reperfilate" the longer-term debt with private parties and the IMF.

Controversial statements


"[Macri] he must count the days, "said Fernández in a chicano tone.A few hours later, the ruling party asked the opposition candidate to exercise caution because of the uncertainty that his words could generate in the markets.

Macri Conference


Mauricio Macri spoke again to ask for peace of mind in the face of market instability. The president also said that the evolution of the economic situation depended not only on him, but also on the opposition candidate.



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