Black Mirror: The top five chapters of the marathon before watching the new season


Black Mirror White Christmas Trailer

Three stories in one, with Jon Hamm (Mad Men) as protagonist. It all starts with a young man who turns to a remote love counselor to try to have more success in their conquests. Follow with a world in which people can have a clone that does everything that is ordered and ends with the block people compare social networks, but in the flesh.

4 | The national anthem | S01E01

Trailer Black Mirror Plot (National anthem)

With this chapter, it all started. Prime Minister of the United Kingdom must make a desperate decision: for kidnappers to release Princess Susannah, he must have bad with a pig while the whole country sees the act on TV. In this episode, the basics are set for what the series would be: the darkness and paranoia generated by the technology.

3 | To be back | S02E01

After the death of Ash, Martha receives information from a new service to contact the dead through a friend. For this, it is necessary that the deceased has maintained a high activity in the networks, and Ash was an addict. The system is able to offer voice conversationsSomething very disturbing Finally, a third experimental option is proposed: the creation of a robotic clone. The perfect combo: science fiction, emotions everywhere and ethical limit of the possibility of "playing" with technology. EThe most painful episode of the whole series.

2 | White bear | S02E02

Black mirror | White Bear Trailer

A woman wakes up without remembering who she is. He does not know where he is. People from the "neighborhood" film it with their mobile phones. Disguised people chase her, trying to kill her. One place seems safe: White Bear. But as in Black Mirror most of the time, everything is not what it seems. With the frenetic rhythm and the tension that is accentuated scene by scene, false allies join to version 2.0 of the eye for the eye of Talion law and a dangerous sense of justice.

1 | All the history of you | S01E03

All the history of you

People can record everything they do, come or listen to and play it at any time of the day. How A microchip placed in the head records all the memories so we repeat them over and over again. Something as simple, as dangerous. Liam suspects that his wife was unfaithful and uses the microchip to review all his movements and convince himself that his doubts have a factual basis. Science fiction explores the current appetite to know and share all the fragments of our lives. Beyond the technological advances to which humanity can accede, certain attitudes, such as jealousy, will find a way to destroy us.


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