Blackout: the government admits that there was an alert and no …


The government secretariat to Energy said the mbadive blackout, which had started at 7 am, was due to a failure of the transportation system between Yacyretá and the Salto Grande factory. According to official sources, the government acknowledged that it had not responded to this signal properly.

It was that before the widespread cut of light, there was an "alert" that was ignored. What they should have noticed is that when the frequency of the plants is changed, they stop working as a protection mechanism. That was the situation, according to Edesur, which caused the blackout.

In a press release, the authorities said the cut took place automatically, without being caused by the company's staff. In the meantime, Yacyretá indicated that the failure had occurred in a field outside the entity.

However, the company Edesur explained that "the breakdown of the network that caused the breakdown at the national level originates from an electricity transmission connection between the Yacyretá and Salto Grande power stations, in the Argentine coast. broke down and caused the blackout ".

The Energy Secretariat argued that the consequences were heavier because of the timing of the failure. "The percentage of loss was high given the time elapsed, the low demand.The rest of the producers could not compensate the losses," they said.



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