Blob, the body that surprises science: without brain, with 720 sexes and heals


The body too It has almost 720 genders, can move without legs or wings and heals in two minutes if it is cut in half.

Blob makes his first appearance at the Paris Zoo – AFP.mp4

Video: AFP

"The blob is a living being that belongs to one of the mysteries of nature" said Bruno David, director of the Museum of Natural History in Paris, which includes the zoo.

"We are surprised because he has no brain but is able to learn … and if you merge two blobs, one who has learned will pass on his knowledge to the other"he added.

The blob gets its name from a 1958 class B horror and science fiction movie starring a young Steve McQueen, in which an extraterrestrial lifestyle – the Blob – devoured everything in his path in a small town in Pennsylvania

"We know with certainty that it is not a plant, but we really do not know whether it is an animal or an animal." a mushroom, "said David.

"It behaves very surprisingly for something that looks like a mushroom (…) has the behavior of an animal, is able to learn"he added.


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