Bloomberg's Challenging Analysis of the Economic Reality of Argentina


He warns that the permanent volatility of Argentina is back in the fore and that the crisis is cyclical, which makes it unbearable.

"With the primary presidential planned for the 11 of August, the voteornot I know profile as nail dramattica contest sure the to come up econormico of país" warns the way specialized in economyíat Bloomberg, What it ends of publish a aatlysis of the reality of Argentina.

"When I know commissionor his constructionornot in the dedall of 1870, the building of style Renaissance selected for House nail plant of treatment of of water in the center of Good Aires to haveíat the intentionornot of project the emergence of Argentina in the dish international. When finally I know I've openedor two dedfalls aftereds, the Palace of Water The currents he was a sísymbol of ambitionornot enormous. With their roof tiles of terracotta European imported and their stained glbad, the works hydraulicatulicas they illustrated the excess What había ruined the economyíat Argentina and almost fallen the system financial in the whole world" I knownotwing the artíbad.

As wellednot I know refer at What the history of what What I know I metor as the "Crisis of Baring" or the "Patnico of 1890" is studied by the historians econormicos as the major collapse of the debt sovereign of century. "Without however, for the Argentines, the consequences resound outside of the patGinas of the books of text; already What the even items of bang and itígiven atrocious I know they find in the raíz of the turbulence econormica and política of país up & # 39; to our días" badyze.

From 1950, Argentina at past the 33% of the weather in set backornot, dryúnot a report of Bank world Cup posted in can. In tedterms global, happiness figure only is outdated by the Representativeública Democraticattica of Congo, What I have sufferedor two great the wars, three hits military and numerous conflicts regional while the even byíodo. In the comparisonornot, the neighbour mats large of Argentina, Brazil, at experimented nail set backornot while the 12% of it the weather.

"The permanent volatility of Argentina happens nail time mats at first dish, already What the President, Mauritius Macri, to bet by the re-electionornot as result of a breakdown of the change and a huge rescue of you$s56.000 millions of The bottom Monetary Internationale. With the primary presidential planned for the 11 of August, the voteornot I know profile as nail dramattica contest sure the to come up econormico of país" said.

And warns What "Yes well the investigations to suggest What exist a rare margin in the career presidential, the investors clearly favor at Macri for What the economyíat go out of the set backornot. Su main opponent, Alberto Fernatndez, of 60 atnotyou, said What isat happy of no be the candidate of Wall Street and criticize the administrationornot econormica of Macri".

he artíbad, written by the journalist Patrick Gillespie, exhibits the case of Juliatnot Díaz, of 37 atnotyou, owner of three restaurants in Good Aires, who said What save at Fernatndez and at his companotwas of forformula, the former president Cristina Fernatndez of Kirchner, no so much by condemnedornot política but by what What consider nail need econormica and social.

Díaz said What the customer base at decreases and What the l & # 39; inflationornot involved What their the prices to have increases "exponentially": a coffeeed with milk it costs 80 pesos (you$s1,80) there is a atnotor valíat 38 pesos. AT reduced the amount of staff in the model at traveds of the desertionornot and I have suspendedor the plans for to expand, expectat the result of the the elections.

"No can think in the development of país with nail situationornot of poverty increasing, the violence increasing, or the pit social I know isat in expansion, or no there is the consumption" he said Díaz in his restaurant The Greyhounds, at three stalls of palace. The crisis of Argentina is cíclique, what What the there is "insupportable" he said. "Always come back other crisis".

The turbulence I know traces at the úlatest dedall of century XIX. In it moment, Argentina took advantage the Agriculture of their abundant plains, the pampas, and nail Hello of immigrants European transmittedor at his país the opportunities What I know the provideía. Opulent mansions, boulevards Parisians and squares utorpike s & # 39; flourishía in the capital city. The plans for the Theater Cabbageornot I know elaborate in 1889, What to follow be nail of the better halls of orperry of world.

"he bank Englisheds Baring Brothers and Co. was mats What satisfied of rejoin at agitation and to bet strong by Argentina. But Something to haveíat What yield, and at measure What the economyíat I know slow motion it atnotor, the Argentines they detected nail crisis e they exchanged ratpromptly their pesos by gold, what What causor What the change I know will fall apart. The that isíat, a blow of summer failed, the increase of the l & # 39; inflationornot and the the strikes hunt at the investors foreign and, at in the beginning of 1890, the líderes of government no they could Stop the itígiven in chopped" account Bloomberg.

he point of inflectedornot I know product when Barings no logror question a bonus in the market of London for the Good Aires Water Provide and The draining Society, engaged for to build the Palace of Water The currents. Little aftereds, Barings notifyor at Bank of L & # 39; England What was at edge of collapse of at his exposureornot in Argentina, and had What be saved. al atnotor then, 1891, the economyíat Argentina I know contracted a 11%.

And there is nail the comparisonornot of edlittle: "A lot of the items of the crisis of Baringsdebt growing, crash of the change, rescue financial e even that isíasI know manifesto in the set backornot current of Argentina. His trouble econormicos to follow a path very occupied: spend mats of what What to win, what What obligate at government at accumulate the debts for cover the purchase of the imports and, nail time What the investors I know sonota in the face mats money, a vicious effect dominationor What end in misery".

This nature cíclique of the life Argentina involved What some the electors isednot willing at give the mats the weather at Macri. Without however, the I knownotales of Warning they come back at flash in red: the MFIs watch nail contractionornot of 1,3% for 2019, with nail l & # 39; inflationornot What finishat the atnotor in close of 40% and "the risks the negatives significant" for his pronorstatic, in particular, the uncertainty política.

he result is What a lot Argentines they have small the faith in the política, the política monetary or the the weight. Do youThe test? To have some you$s350.000 millions in savings hidden in the foreign, mats What in House, dryúnot Miguel Kiguel, boss of the consultant EconViews and author of a book sure the crisis econormica of Argentina.

"I think the lack of confidence stems in large part from the fact that every year there is a big devaluation and a high inflation, and that the way to protect yourself from inflation is to use the". money, "said Kiguel, former chief of councilors of the Ministry of Finance in the 1990s.

"When governments change, political rhetoric is often dramatic." Argentina went from a Peronist system in the 1970s to a right-wing military dictatorship that ruled for nearly eight years up to the end. 1983. A government favorable to the business world then arrived in the 1990s. Populist administrations from 2003 to 2015, and finally the presidency favorable to the Macri market, "says the note.

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