Boeing again warns of a risk for 787 on the trade war


Boeing Co. 787, nicknamed "Dreamliner" and once described as "magnificent" by US President Donald Trump, could become the victim of its growing trade war with China. The confrontation between the two economic superpowers has injected a new dose of Uncertainty over Boeing's production and deliveries to large aircraft, particularly for aircraft such as 787 Dreamliner and 777, very popular in Chinese agenciessaid Dennis Muilenburg, executive director of the aircraft manufacturer.

"We still hope that a trade agreement will be reached and that the purposes will be part of it," Muilenburg said at a conference at Morgan Stanley. "But the lack of a trade agreement adds risks. We are therefore very attentive. "

The Carbon Fiber Dreamliner, Boeing's Most Advanced Pbadenger Aircraft, is an essential source of cash and the manufacturer is working with regulators to lift the immobilization of the highly profitable 737 Max. Analysts are wondering, however, how long the Chicago-based company will be able to continue to manufacture 14 Dreamliners per month, a rate of action for dual-aisle aircraft, a measure to reduce the backlog of 787 .

In a report dated September 10, Sheila Kahyaoglu, an badyst at Jefferies, still has several unoccupied shipments for 787 positions over the next two years and more vacancies in 2022. "Without an acceleration of order activity, we estimate that the rate could be reduced in 2022 with a possible announcement at the end of 2020 or the beginning of 2021 ", he wrote.


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