Bolivia: a journalistic investigation assures that Jeanine Áñez tried to escape before being arrested | The former president is said to have planned an escape to Brazil


“Typical acts preparatory to an escape” and “Typical conditions of an escape”. The investigation against the ex-de facto president of Bolivia Jeanine Áñez thus describes the escape attempt she made one day before her arrest was ordered as responsible for the crimes committed during her tenure. As it appeared this Wednesday in the Bolivian media, Áñez tried to flee to Brazil to avoid being arrested and tried.

Ready suitcases and the rental of an aircraft are elements present in the investigation, as revealed by the Bolivian News Agency ABI. Information from official sources, also published by the newspaper The weather, they maintain that the former de facto president was warned of the arrest which was going to fall on him, but did not arrive in time to carry out his escape plan.

According to investigation reports, Yerko Núñez, who was Minister of the Presidency until the end of the transitional mandate, was the one who informed the former center-right senator of the arrest that justice was preparing to order against him. Núñez, with first-hand information, he managed to escape on another plane bound for Brazil.

The president of the coup, at the time of her arrest, was found “hidden under the entrecama of a box spring when she was apprehended by the police on the night of March 12, a few hours before being sent to the city. de La Paz, ”he said. published the ABI news agency. The police operation arrested her in the city of Trinidad.

Clashes at Miraflores Prison

Áñez remains in custody in Miraflores Prison and is serving a preventive prison sentence while being investigated for responsibility in the coup against former President Evo Morales in November 2019 and for crimes committed against the popular demonstration against its de facto government. A recent report by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) condemned the massacres that occurred, which included summary executions.

On Monday, via the social media of the former de facto president, a statement was released in which she said she no longer wanted to live. “My children need to make a living. I don’t want any more drugs that I don’t know. I ask my jailers to tell me what I’m taking,” ñez said in a message sent from prison to denounce that he is subjected to psychological harassment and they know “not to know what they are going to do to him”.

The message accompanied by the hashtag #LiberenAJeanine mobilized a group of people who This Wednesday, they demonstrated in favor of the putschist outside Miraflores prison, where clashes were recorded with those who marched to condemn her actions during the coup.. Due to the violent crossing between the demonstrators, there were fights and at least one injured. The police intervened by firing tear gas.


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