Bolivia: after her suicide attempt, the UN visited Jeanine ñez | The prison administration authorized a relative to accompany the former president to prison


Nail delegation of the United Nations High Commissioner for human rights this Sunday visited the former de facto president of Bolivia, Jeanine Áñez, at Miraflores Prison, La Paz, where she is being held, to check her health after it turned out that attempted to injure himself with minor arm injuries. Besides, the Bolivian prison regime allowed a relative to accompany her to prison until she recovered.

“The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and UN Women we make the visit together to speak confidentially with Ms. Jeanine Añez and to establish a dialogue with the penitentiary regime, ”explained Yulia Babuzhina, UN deputy director of human rights in Bolivia, on her release from prison.

Two representatives of the international organization They entered prison around noon this Sunday, and the visit did not last long. On leaving, Babuzhina said the ex-president’s situation had been monitored since March.

“We have been monitoring his situation since March 20 and We have had several visits to the Miraflores center to help improve the conditions of deprivation of liberty for Ms. Añez and other detainees.“, specified the person in charge.

The UN visit took place after this Saturday the former de facto president, who took power after the coup against the now ex-president Evo Morales, attempted to “self-harm” one of his arms in prison but his state of health is “stable” and shows only “a few small scratches”.

In this sense, this Sunday the national director of the penitentiary regime, Juan Carlos Limpias, stressed that Áñez’s health is stable and receives the necessary attention by medical teams.

He also reported that after what happened, a relative was allowed to spend the night “to accompany the recovery of Ms. Jeanine Áñez”. So much so that, yesterday, The former president was accompanied by her children Carolina and Armando Ribera Añez. He even spent the night in jail.

“Yesterday evening, the son spent the night in this space, accompanying his mother. We have again allowed a space with all the minimum conditions for the family to accompany this takeover, ”added Limpias.

Asked by the local press about the purpose for which ñez was allegedly injured, the prison director refrained from giving this information and argued that there is an agreement with the family to prevent the dissemination of this data.

The judicial situation in Áñez

The de facto ex-president is in preventive detention in Miraflores prison since her arrest on March 13, initially accused of “sedition and terrorism”.

This week, the Bolivian Attorney General’s office presented a formal charge against ñez “for acts provisionally classified as genocide, serious injuries and injuries followed by death ”, for the Senkata and Sacaba massacres, which occurred after the coup against Evo Morales in November 2019.

In addition, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) Inter-American Committee of Independent Experts (GIEI) confirmed themassacres of civilians in bolivia, when submitting your final report on what happened in Senkata and Sacaba, where 37 demonstrators died repressed by the security forces.

These events occurred after the resignation of former President Morales at a “suggestion” by the Chief of the Armed Forces, after 21 days of street protests, a police riot and against the backdrop of complaints of irregularities in the counting of the presidential elections of the previous month, which had given the president the winner, in power since 2006.

Áñez, then second vice-president of the Senate, assumed the presidency two days later in a controversial session without a quorum due to the boycott of Morales’s party, the Movement for Socialism (MAS).


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