Bolivia against fire | The Amazonian fire


The Bolivian government is continuing the fight against fires affecting the Amazon and has already located the main homes. The fire has burned more than 950,000 hectares in Bolivia and other governments in the region have already offered their help to fight the flames.

The administration Evo Morales sent Chiquitania – a plain located between Gran Chaco and the Amazon – 2,000 soldiers, 450 police and firefighters, five helicopters, three single-engined reconnaissance aircraft and two twin-engine evacuations. In addition to fighting fires, the government's actions are aimed at protecting the communities and the cultural heritage of the region and at preserving the region's flora and fauna.

The government has allowed shelters to house animals from fleeing areas. On the other hand, the breeders have made available the areas where cattle fairs are held and have distributed food for the animals.

In addition, Juan Ramón Quintana, coordinator of the Environmental Emergencies Cabinet, said the fires had been reduced from 8,000 to 1,500, although he admitted that the fire had been rekindled by the change of wind direction.

In addition, Quintana reported locating the top five fire sources on which efforts to extinguish the fire would be concentrated. The first axis concerns the municipalities of San Miguel de Velasco and San Matías, on the border with Brazil. The second is located in the municipalities of Roboré and San José de Chiquitos. The third, between the international road that connects Roboré to Puerto Suárez, near Brazil. The fourth is located in the Otuquis baths, at the borders of Paraguay and Brazil, and the fifth in the southern region of Charagua.

Morales said he received offers of badistance from Argentina, Peru, Paraguay, Chile and Spain. The Bolivian president said he had instructed the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Defense to take steps to carry out this cooperation.


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