Bolivia: at least seven students died at the ced …


At least seven students died and four were seriously injured falling from the fourth floor of the Public University of El Alto (UPEA) in Bolivia. The tragedy occurred after the railing the youth were leaning on gave way as they participated in a special assembly called by the Student Center.

The event happened Tuesday at noon, and the images, which quickly went viral via social networks, show a climate of discussion among the students. In this context, some started to push each other and that would have caused the guardrail to give way.

“So far we have the report of 5 dead and 3 people in intensive care after what happened at the UPEA facilities,” said Bolivian government minister Carlos Eduardo del Castillo del Carpio, which gave the first preliminary data.

Finally, in the middle of the afternoon, the general commander of the police, Jhonny Aguilera, fixed the number of dead at seven students: Raúl Cadena Choque, Genio Esteban Mamani Justo, Saúl Yerko Mamani Soria, Daniel Junio ​​Rodríguez, Anahí Chipana, Loida Soza Machaca and Tania Roque Choque, aged 19 to 28.

According to Aguilera, 11 students fell about 16.7 meters, Only four of whom were injured to varying degrees, for which they were transferred to clinics in La Paz and El Alto.

The police authorities also indicated that “the Special Crime Force has arrived to determine how the events unfolded” and specified that the young people “were in a student assembly”.

According to local media reports, The event which ended in tragedy took place in the building of the business administration, where the students discussed financial matters. In this context There were disagreements which sparked a series of complaints from students and led to attacks.

In radio statements, UPEA administrator Andy Huanca said during the assembly, “they let in a large group of” students and “there were clashes with jostling “, after which the fall of at least eight young people was recorded.

After what happened, various political and social leaders expressed their solidarity with the families of the students and demanded a speedy investigation into the incident. “We regret the tragedy that occurred at the Public University of #ElAlto (UPEA), where there were several deaths and injuries. Our deepest condolences to the people of El Alto and to the families who are suffering. We await the rapid clarification of the facts, ”said the President of Bolivia, Luis Arce, on his Twitter account.

Also the former president and leader of the Movement towards Socialism, Evo Morales, expressed on Twitter: “Our deepest regrets and our solidarity with the families and the comrades of young people from El Alto who have now lost their lives in an accident at UPEA. We regret that their lives and dreams have died out so tragically. “


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