Bolivia: Jeanine Áñez would have tried to commit suicide | Hours earlier, she had been charged with genocide


Former de facto president of Bolivia, Jeanine ñez, caused a “self-harm” in one of her arms in the prison where she is staying, but her state of health is “stable” and “shows only a few small scratches “, reported this statement. Saturday Saturday Minister of the Government, Edward del Castillo. Añez’s lawyer, Jorge Valda, said it was a suicide attempt. “Today, the former constitutional president, Jeanine Añez, attempted suicide, she attempted a self-attempt in which, thank God, she failed,” he said in a video that he sent to the press. “He did it to send a message of help, help and distress.”

I regret to announce that Mrs. Añez would have tried to self-harm in the early hours of this day, However, We declare that your health is completely stable. Some small scratches on one of your arms, However, There is nothing to worry about“, said the official at a press conference. Page 12 He attempted to communicate by phone with Carolina Ribera Áñez, daughter of the former de facto president, but did not answer calls on his cell phone. José Llorenti, press secretary to Minister Del Castillo, author of the announcement, did not respond to the columnist’s messages.

“The corresponding inquiries were made to Mrs Jeanine ñez. She states that she does not know what were the reasons for which she would have tried to generate a certain type of injury, however, they are superficial injuries that have not generated any type of significant injuryDel Castillo added to the press. In addition, he said that the medical staff of the prison regime will determine if Áñez will require a psychological assessment.

“Not only do they take care of each of their human rights, but they are has privileges over other persons deprived of their liberty. The corresponding medical studies in different health establishments in the department of La Paz and all state that Ms Jeanine Áñez has all the vital conditions to await preventive detention in the center of Miraflores», Concluded the Minister of the Government.

“Genocide, seriously injured”

On Friday, the attorney general’s office presented a formal accusation against ñez “For events provisionally classified as “Genocide, seriously injured and wounded followed by death” by the massacres of Senkata and Sacaba, occurred after the coup against Evo Morales in November 2019the Bolivian government announced. The charges against Áñez carry a prison sentence of 10 to 20 years, according to the Bolivian Penal Code.

The charge has been brought before the Supreme Court of Justice, which must seek permission from Congress to try it. Currently, the MAS does not have a majority in parliament and the leader of the party alliance Citizen community, The former president Carlos mesaHe said he supported the GIEI report but that in order to try Áñez, a “reform of the judicial system” would have to be carried out.

“We agree and support the report of the GIEI: the reform of the judicial and tax system and the change of its operators are imperatives to guarantee justice and due process in the cases which must be judged”, he added. he writes on his Twitter account.

Senkata and Sacaba

This week, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI) confirmed the “massacres” of civilians in Bolivia, presenting its final report on what happened in Senkata and Sacaba, where 37 demonstrators died repressed by the security forces. The GIEI conducted interviews with witnesses of state and parastatal violence, and also heard testimonies from civil organizations, authorities and representatives of institutions. In total, the group of experts formed around of 400 interviews and analyzed more than 120,000 files. During the presentation of the report, the representative of the GIEI, Patricia Tappatá Valdez requested that the report be “the new threshold now higher and more demanding of the intolerable”.

Meanwhile, this week Áñez’s daughter sought to meet with the representation of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR). “Let him go visit my mother and see the conditions in which she is (…) I sent an email so that she can see my mother,” Ribera told the local press. However, the agency suggested that he visit the agency’s Technical Mission in Bolivia to present his demands.

While a group of three former presidents who have led neoliberal governments in Bolivia, issued a statement addressed to the prosecution and justice to adopt the necessary measures to “preserve life and physical and psychological integrity” d ‘Áñez. The order was signed by Carlos mesa (2003-2005), I love peace (1989-1993); and Jorge “Tuto” Quiroga, who was vice-president of the dictator Hugo banzer and assumed the presidency after Banzer’s resignation for health reasons (2001-2002).

Meanwhile, Ribera called “political persecution” the announcement of an investigation against him for the alleged failure to register in the management of donations in the Social Management Unit of the Ministry of the Presidency. Omar Yujra, deputy of MAS, asserted that “(the donations) were not registered, including the ministry of the Presidency managed by Mrs. Añez and her daughter at the time, in a unit which was in charge of precisely this matter “, according to record the log The reason from Bolivia.


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