Bolivia, Macri’s Croatia


(Facundo Pechervsky)
(Facundo Pechervsky)

1- The frenzied battle of communication

Despite the reductionism of addicted journalism, the judicial panorama of Mauricio Macri, The exterminating angel. It goes beyond the stagnant conflict of the Post Office, the staff Host. Franco’s legacy, the Macri he was worth. As it goes beyond the derivations of amateur espionage. Or the dangerous delusions of the “court table”. Set of dilettantes who discarded the permanence of macrismo. The epilogue of doctor pepin marks the extent of the ridiculous. Childish excesses which are exploited to satiety by opposition journalism (it is as superficial as the drug addict). The fierce battle for communication ends the pathology of the journalist’s profession, which generates a strange product. It is neither reported nor clarified. It only consolidates the position of those previously convinced. The good cause is always yours. The recipient who consumes is the one who believes that Macri -o The doctor– represents Evil. And it is attributed to the other, to the rival, the categorical paternity of the evils invented. This means confirming that the permanent preaching, in his favor, is of no use to the Doctor. Not the Kirchnerist strain of Peronism. Since intensely favorable preaching is also of no use to the Exterminating Angel. Not even macroism, now absorbed by displacement. The coalition directs it – when the office closes – Horacio Rodriguez Larreta, Geniol. It is preferred by the establishment.

2- The relative contribution of truth

Addicted journalism then favors neither La Doctora nor the Angel. But less favors the truth. This is – the truth – of the relative and flexible entry. Diluted its intensity in the midterm election campaign. Drag the artificial suspense. As if we were deciding, in the uselessness of the STEP in September, or in the distribution of seats in November, the fate of the government of La Doctora. The one who presides Alberto Fernandez, The unpopular poet.

For the protagonists of the reference (El Ángel and La Doctora) what is important is decided. The judicial outcome of cases. They stand out as the inexorable prelude to the final decision. The double forgiveness that society is not ready to accept. It is forgiveness that unites the Angel and the Doctor, even though they both regret. And that results in eternal immunity for democratically elected heads of state. Until 1983, the military career could end with the presidency of the Republic. From 1983, the political career can culminate in prison. The model of Peru.

3- the hidden hunter

Bolivia, for Macri, It refers to the comparison of Croatia for Carlos Menem (the case of Croatia or Bosnia must be separated from that of Ecuador). The sinister transfer of arms to Croatia in 1993 led to seven months in prison for Menem, in 2001 at Quinta de Gostanián. Macri’s Bolivia and Menem’s Croatia share the same “hidden hunter” (Salinger’s novel). America as a ghostly protagonist.

The carnage of the 1990s, almost 30 years later, is being examined in depth at the International Court in The Hague. It was impossible, during the fragmentation of Yugoslavia, for a simple toy gun to enter Croatia or Slovenia. Without the knowledge, or the envy, of the ghostly protagonist. Fundamental animator of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). Never forget that Menem’s Argentina, because of its privileged relationship, was nominated as an extra-NATO ally country. A conception that tormented Foreign Minister Insulza of Chile. I wanted to know “what did that mean”. The interest of the United States, still chaired by Trump, also cannot be undermined by the entry into Bolivia of toy astral figures to scare away “moralistic” riots. To consolidate the de facto transition of Ms. Jeanine Añez. Even before it even starts. Never forget that Macri’s Argentina had partially benefited from a $ 50 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund. With the aim of strengthening the preferred candidate in a crusade that was exceptionally going to be lost. This little arms deal for Croatia has been used well by a quick parent to make a spiritual difference. It was also used by a young initiative prosecutor, Stornelli, and another young judge, Urso, shrewd but now deceased, to indict the former President of the Republic. Guido Di Tella bitter the end of his biography in front of the ingratitude of history. And so that the Minister of Defense Oscar Camilión, the greatest expert in the transformations of the Grupo Clarin, suffered his last blow while awaiting unfair prosecution. They were for years subjected to the humiliation of being allowed to leave the country and rave about the Milan opera, which fascinated him.

4- Early advocacy

Bolivia, Macri’s Croatia, belongs to Judge López Biscayart. Guarantee of equanimity. It is to be hoped that the chancellor’s near future will not be darkened Jorge Faurie, Saavedrita. It is the professional of the diplomatic career who has established himself as the most competent ambassador that La Doctora has had in Europe. And that we must no longer dull the bad luck of the minister, in the face of the indifference of posterity Oscar Aguad, Le Milico. Tormented, Aguad, also by the unresolved treatment of the Mail tragedy. The one who reproduces the family reproaches in El Ángel. “You had four years in power and you couldn’t fix it”. Moreover, poor Aguad, he had to endure the loss of the submarine in the southern waters.

“Moving a Hercules to Bolivia cannot go unnoticed.” This is confirmed by a retired general who waters the pots of geraniums on Belgrano’s balcony. He attributes the responsibility to the military attachés. Like “At the trick of intelligence”. Instead of Defense, or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, about Bolivia, it aims for Security. This is where the lady reigned Patricia bullrich, The Yiya. Wise lady, La Yiya, who goes to the front. You know that in order to defend yourself you must always attack. He then attacks Alberto, the president of the government of La Doctora. For the early apology request. On behalf of Argentina, ahead of Bolivia. Patriotic act of election campaign.

Explosions in Río Tercero complicated the army of the 1990s just as tear gas and machine guns complicate today’s gendarmerie. And not exactly the elitist “scorpions”. Commandos trained for infinitely superior feats. Never spray the brave Bolivians who were demonstrating against a classic coup d’etat with fuss.


The establishment prefers it to Horacio

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