Bolivia responds to Gerardo Morales after his controversial letter: "Do you want political income"


The Bolivian consul, Nelson Garachi Mamani, responded to Jujuy's governor, Gerardo Morales, who issued a harsh letter against President Evo Morales for the "inhuman" treatment that Argentines are suffering in the neighboring country.

"It would have been great if we had coordinated the institutionsit could have been coordinated with the consulate, with the Committee on External Relations. Y beyond political recipes, it was simply a matter of coordinating the case and quickly finding a solution", said the consul in dialogue with AM 530.

The anger of Morales was linked to the case of Manuel Vilca, a Jujeño, who had an accident in Bolivia on December 8 and who, for five days of hospitalization, charged him $ 7,000 and badured him that if he continued treatment, 10 more would be disbursed. thousand dollars.

"Faced with this situation of inhuman treatment and lack of reciprocity and equality for the treatment we offer to the Bolivian brothers, we made the decision to repatriate Manuel continue treatment in Jujuy, "he said, adding that the provincial government also had to pay $ 2,000 to leave the country.

News in development being updated –


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