Bolivia: tension and “blow” against Evo Morales in an act with members of his party


Siege against Evo Morales in MAS act

A tense festive meeting this Monday ended with a “chair” against former President of Bolivia Evo Morales that over the past few days he has faced disagreements from sectors of his party over the selection of candidates for the upcoming sub-national elections.

“Out, out, out” O “Renewal, renewal” was heard at a meeting in the town of Lauca Ñ, in the tropics of Cochabamba, the political and union stronghold of Morales, as a prelude to greater discontent recorded by mobile phones which then invaded local media and social networks.

Morales was at the main table set up in a colosseum with other members of his party, until the discontent escalated. Despite the fact that a few people have tried to contain the boredom of protecting the former president, who is president of the Governmental Movement for Socialism (MAS), there was not one missing who dared with some cover-up to throw a plastic chair against Morales, as recorded in the videos.

Instead, another chair later thrown more vehemently and aimed at the former president hit the edge of the table, leaving Morales’ improvised escorts unresponsive. Before the incident, Morales with a message on Twitter accused the “Right-wing press” distort what happens at party rallies “Dedazo” or supposed unilateral decision of the ex-president to define the candidates.

Morales rejected these versions, arguing that the media reporting this “is not interested in the truth” and arguing that the MAS “He has different ways of choosing candidates.” What happened that day adds to other recent cases in which an apparent unease is observed within the governing party, such as last Friday when something similar happened in a town in the department. of Potosí to the point that Morales had to hide and another of his collaborators had to disguise himself to avoid the attacks.

“We denounce that the putschist right is trying to destroy the MAS-IPSP unit by sending infiltrators to generate violence,” he said on Twitter after the latest case. In this sense, he defended that the events organized throughout the country “have as their objective the democratic and public election” of the candidates.

The struggles within the MAS manifested themselves in silletazos at another meeting in the eastern region of Santa Cruz, or other disagreements in southern Chuquisaca. After the political and social crisis that Bolivia experienced last year and the electoral victory of President Luis Arce, certain sectors of the MAS They called for a process of renewal without ignoring Morales’ leadership within the organization.

The ex-president has been continuously active since returning to Bolivia on November 9 and participated in various events such as press conferences and his party meetings. In several regions of the country, the MAS has not reached a consensus to choose the candidates among several candidates who need popular support, commitment and a political trajectory within the party, while other sectors insist on rejecting guests or old friends of Morales.

Bolivia will hold elections for governors and mayors on the first weekend of March next year.


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