Bolivia: the de facto ex-president Jeanine Áñez is not …


The return to democracy in Bolivia with the investiture of President-elect Luis Arce, after a year of de facto government, did not include the presence of Jeanine Áñez, the former interim president who was installed in power in November 2019, after the coup that forced the resignation of Evo Morales.

As she explained this Saturday on her Twitter account, the former president left the city of La Paz to return home to the Amazon region of Beni. “I returned to Beni, home, those who harass me today will have time“, published in a message on the social network.

Here I stay, to continue to contribute from the place that touches me, I have causes, I will defend the links and democracy“he added.

Last Thursday, in a last message from the Government Palace in La Paz, he described as “achievements” of his eleven months in office the obligations or social assistance, the “consolidation of democracy” in the country and the fight against the pandemic. of covid-19.

I’m delivering a country with the pandemic under control, with a growing economy and with a well-founded democracy “He insisted on Twitter on Friday, where he thanked “the Bolivians for accompanying me in achievements as strong as links. With successes and mistakes, but with all my love and commitment to Bolivia.”

Áñez, a 53-year-old lawyer, assumed the transitional presidency of Bolivia on November 12 last year, when she was an opposition senator for democratic unity, after the coup d’état that forced the resignation of former president Evo Morales.


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