Bolivia, the government and the MAS


Forced by the fact that he is not part of the government, Evo has taken over the leadership of the political instrument and his power will be established there even to put pressure on the state and also to defend the government of Luis Arce.

The former president of Bolivia even declined to suggest names for possible ministers and apologized to his closest entourage for not asking someone from his people he trusted to join the cabinet. . Evo Morales is aware that he will no longer be the executive branch and that what is healthy is for Luis Arce to make his own decisions and even make his own mistakes.

Arce knows the historic leader is there, just a phone call away, but he also seems to be happy that the “Boss” is taking over.

In this way, the problem of appointing ministers to take charge of departments is overcome, which in fact relegated the will of the militants as the orders came from above, but was also ineffective as the government authorities failed to act. not well conformed. with neither of the two missions: to take care of their offices adequately and to effectively build an electoral steamroller.

The 2020 election showed that when you have no government, you can function even better as a voting machine. The pre-2005 mystique was rediscovered when every activist, every supporter did what they could on their part.

The crisis is already here

President Luis Arce has said that everything that has advanced in the past 14 years has been thrown to the ground by Jenin Añez’s de facto government.

The pandemic was perceived by Jeanine Añez and her collaborators as the possibility of winning the elections because “she alone” could be with the people to whom she would give money through the bonds.

And it was the opposite, the corona virus ended up killing a government that in fact was never popular. Not only was the state apparatus paralyzed, cases of corruption were the norm and not the exception. Of course, the more the right-wing media are investigated, the more they seek to get the idea that this is an attempt at revenge for masism.

The truth is, Luis Arce will have at least two difficult years trying to rebuild the economy. A global problem.

Evo again

Morales returned to his country and after showing all his muscles with massive concentrations, he took over the leadership of the MAS which had fallen to the vice-president of the instrument, Gerardo García, who, given that the head was in exile , took over the management.

Now, in the immediate future, is organizing the candidatures for the sub-national elections which will elect 330 mayors and 9 governors.

Evo has pledged at least three hundred mayors and 7 of the 9 governorates. If the trend of the October 18 general elections is repeated, it is possible that the MAS will do very well in these new elections. Especially since it is not credible that the rights manage to unite.

And that, as Masist leaders understand, would be the greatest support for the central government.

However, the race for MAS candidates will be bitter. For example, in El Alto, where the MAS obtained 75% of the vote, there are already 16 pre-candidates.

Morales, a great snake charmer, must be fully employed to prevent the elections from becoming a factor of disunity.

He took a big step last weekend by managing to seat Arce, Choquehuanca, the presidents of the legislative chambers and the representatives of social movements in front of him at the national meeting of the MAS.

This articulate Unity Factor of Evo populates the nightmares of his enemies.


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