Bolivia uses a 747 to extinguish the fire in the Amazon


The Bolivian authorities have mobilized a Boeing 747 to transport water and help to stop the fire affecting Chiquitania in the Bolivian Amazon. The fire has already devastated more than 750,000 hectares in Bolivia.

The Bolivian President, Evo Morales, thanked the efforts to extinguish the flames and highlighted in particular the contribution of the firefighter plane, which has already made the first unloading, of about 75,000 liters.

"The" super-tanker "and our helicopters are working to extinguish the fire and I appreciate the efforts of so many compatriots, men and women, who are doing this difficult task. battle against the fire, "said Morales through his Twitter account.

The device "has strengthened the effectiveness of the heroic work" of pilots, uniforms and volunteers fighting fire in Chiquitania. The first discharge in the Taperas mountain range has been successful and it is expected that Saturday will be made between three and four downloads in the regions of Roboré, Chochis, Quitunuquiña, Tucabaca, San Juan del Mutun and Yacus.

The Minister of the Presidency, Juan Ramón Quintana, also underlined the "very successful" incursions of the plane, which managed to evacuate "with an admirable feat" the waters between a plateau and the other of the Taperas region.


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