Boliviagate | Former Ibero-American presidents denounce “persecution” against Mauricio Macri


As part of the progress of the investigation into Boliviagate, numerous Former Ibero-American presidents denounce “persecution” against Mauricio Macri after the Bolivian government complained about the shipment of weapons during the coup to Evo Morales in 2019. In turn, they targeted President Alberto Fernández for participating in the “hybrid and legal war devised by the anti-democratic far left of the Americas “.

“An attempt is being made to manipulate this affair to persecute, with the help of the current Argentine government, former President Mauricio Macri”, the group of political leaders gathered at the Democratic Initiative of Spain and the Americas (IDEA), an international non-governmental forum made up of 37 former heads of state and government created in the context of the crisis in Venezuela. Among its members are former Spanish presidents José María Aznar, Álvaro Uribe from Colombia and not only Mauricio Macri from Argentina but also Fernando de la Rúa, who died in 2019.

Mauricio Macri in Spain: summit with Vargas Llosa, photo with Latin American presidents and an unsolved intern

The 18 former presidents who signed the declaration, entitled “Declaration on the criminalization of democratic leaders”, assured that “an attempt is made to manipulate” the case of Bolivia to persecute Macri. In this way, they supported their Argentinian counterpart and argued that it was marked as an “objective” to which they open legal cases “without real support or because of clearly political differences”, perpetuated by “his opponents of the left. undemocratic ”.

In addition, they underlined their concern for the “hijacking of democratic language” by the “anti-democratic radical left which still exists in the region”.

José María Aznar and lvaro Uribe Vélez 20210727
Eighteen former Ibero-American presidents signed the declaration, including Spaniard José María Aznar (left) and Colombian Álvaro Uribe Vélez (right).

As it concerns Bolivia, IDEA members targeted Luis Arce’s government for “turning the tale” of the events at the end of 2019 that led to the coup against former President Evo Morales. According to forum members, after the resignation of the MAS leader in 2019, the country’s new authorities “are reversing the rhetoric, accusing the independent media, persecuting those who prevented the aforementioned incident from undermining the democratic viability of Bolivia, and now the former presidents who ensured the said transition “.

In addition, They targeted President Alberto Fernández, who at the time apologized to the Bolivian government, whom they also saw as a participant in the “hybrid and legal war devised by the aforementioned undemocratic far left in the Americas.” The national leader had supported the complaint of his Bolivian counterpart by accusing the government of Mauricio Macri of collaborating “with the military and police repression” which took place before and after the departure of Evo Morales from the country.

Sending weapons to Bolivia: they presented the ammunition found

Finally, the former presidents launched an “imperative” call for justice. “so that they do not forget that the fate of democratic freedoms ultimately rests in their hands.”

The declaration was signed by former presidents Óscar Arias (Costa Rica); José Maria Aznar (Spain); Nicolás Ardito Barletta (Panama); Felipe Calderón (Mexico); Rafael Ángel Calderón (Costa Rica); Alfredo Cristiani (Salvador); Vicente Fox (Mexico); Federico Franco (Paraguay); Eduardo Frei (Chile); Lucio Gutiérrez (Ecuador); Osvaldo Hurtado (Ecuador); Jamil Mahuad (Ecuador); Mireya Moscoso (Panama); Andrés Pastrana, (Colombia); Jorge Tuto Quiroga (Bolivia); Miguel Ángel Rodríguez (Panama); and Juan Carlos Wasmosy (Paraguay).

evo morales alberto fernandez
Evo Morales and Alberto Fernández.

Sending weapons to Bolivia: they indicted gendarme Adolfo Héctor Caliba

Boliviagate: advances the investigation

The cause of whether the Macri government sent war material to Bolivia in the coup against Evo Morales continues to advance. On the one hand, the economic criminal judge Javier López Biscayart analyzes the information he requested last week, while the prosecutor Claudio Navas Rial joined last Monday July 26, the commander of the gendarmerie Adolfo Hector Caliba as the new defendant, whom he designated as the person responsible for coordinating the expedition with the Bolivian police, after the complaint filed by the executive last week.

In the case leading the case for aggravated smuggling to Bolivia, the former President of the Nation Mauricio Macri has already been indicted since July 16; his Ministers of Security and Defense, Patricia Bullrich and Oscar Aguad; the then ambassador to Bolivia, Normando Álvarez García; the former director general of the National Gendarmerie, Gerardo José Otero; and the then force’s logistics and operations directors, Rubén Carlos Yavorski and Carlos Miguel Recalde, respectively.

Last week, Macri appointed former prosecutor Pablo Lanusse as defense attorney in the case, and according to judicial sources he demanded that the internal investigation carried out by the gendarmerie be suspended by order of President Alberto Fernández, in researching information gathering. protagonists who went to Bolivia with the weapons denounced.

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