Bolivian opponent Luis Fernando Camacho admitted to idea of ​​”overthrowing” Evo Morales | In a video from 2019 that circulated recently


In a recently released video, the governor of the Bolivian department of Santa Cruz, Luis Fernando Camacho, admitted that his father, José Luis Camacho, there was “An agreement made” with the army and police to “overthrow” President Evo Morales. The video corresponds to the era of the 2019 coup amid massive protests led by the opposition to the government that forced the then president into exile from the country. Camacho father and son due to testify this week in the investigation into the coup that toppled Morales, However, the prosecution had to suspend the dates after the father asked not to visit the capital due to alleged health problems.

“Kill the President”

In the video released, the then president of the Civic Committee of Santa Cruz explains that his father had worked out a plan with a person “Who offered him six thousand miners loaded with dynamite to overthrow the president”.

“When we finish with everything and Saturday, before the resignation of Evo Morales (one day later, Sunday November 10), the guy says ‘meet me with everybody, all civic at the hotel door, i will show my face’. Until that moment he had only spoken to me. He already had 6,000 miners full of dynamite to enter and remove Evo Morales “, Camacho ensures, apparently referring to a person he does not identify.

“It was a long interview and he said, ‘I’m going to overthrow Evo Morales, but promise me to be president.’. I said to him: ‘Now let’s get democracy first. No, I guarantee you that we will overthrow him, ”says Camacho in the video, in which he also tells how the man assured that there would be “quilombo at the airport”.

A key plot

Luis Fernando Camacho is identified as one of the key players in the coup against Evo Morales following the October 2019 elections when the MAS government has been accused of electoral fraud. After the elections, there was a 21-day strike, followed by a police riot and the request of the Central Obrera Boliviana (COB) and then the Armed Forces to resign from the president.

The Dec 28 2019 Evo Morales had posted part of the video that circulated this week. In this fragment Camacho appears to be announcing his request to the police and the military not to suppress violent protests against the Bolivian government in order to exhaust the administration of Morales.

“Camacho confirms that civilians have spoken with the army and the police to overthrow my government. It was a coup even though ñez, Mesa and Camacho himself try to deny it, the video is irrefutable proof of that. Justice must act against the putschists and the victims of the genocide. “Morales’s tweet said.

“Did you just realize that?” We didn’t just talk to the police and the army so that they wouldn’t repress; we also coordinated with the Conamaq, the miners, the red ponchos and the workers. There were councils all over the country where we Bolivians decided how to end your dictatorship. Your cowardly flight was The cherry! “Camacho himself replied on the same social network. Conamaq is the National Council of Ayllus and Markas del Qullasuyu, an organization of nationalities and indigenous peoples of the Bolivian highlands created in 1997.

Father and son

The leader of Santa Cruz and his father José Luis Camacho were summoned to testify in the investigation into the coup. Luis Fernando Camacho, accused in the investigation, was due to appear this Thursday in La Paz, however, the prosecution suspended the date after Camacho Sr. requested to go to the Santa Cruz prosecution due to health problems which had caused him prevent them from going to the capital, the local newspaper said The duty.

According to the morning slogan, investigation strategy establishes that his father, José Luis Camacho, must appear first. From now on, the Bolivian prosecution will have to analyze Camacho Sr.’s request to set a new declaration date, then assign another to the governor of Santa Cruz.

Meanwhile, in Santa Cruz, a group of Camacho supporters predicted that they would not allow their leader to appear because they see it as “an attack” on the governor. From the Union Juvenil Cruceñista (UJC), they launched a declaration in which they summon “the citizens to a vigil in order to avoid the governor’s trip”.

The morning The duty He also reported that in La Paz, dolls appeared hanging near the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés with messages of threat to Camacho, which have already been abducted by the mayor’s office in the capital. “Facho found Camacho hanging,” says a flag next to a hanging doll with the image of Camacho who has a T-shirt with a swastika on his forehead.


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